MovieChat Forums > Crumbs (2006) Discussion > i saw the taping of the pilot

i saw the taping of the pilot

i saw the taping of the pilot, and i thought it was really good! its nothing like arrested development, in that its really down to earth and not extravagant at all. it wasn't filmed single camera, like arrested development. jane curtain plays a crazy mother, and william devane plays the cheating dad who just impregnated a much younger woman. fred savage plays a gay has-been, eddie mcclintock plays the "hot" straight brother, who runs the family restaurant. maggie lawson plays fred savage's hag. ooo its a really good show! i cant wait till it comes out.

plus, at the end, i had the pleasure of meeting both ben and fred savage. cool people!


I have to disagree. I found the show to be rather boring overall and only found myself chuckling in a few parts (albeit I watched on TV, not live). Overall its pretty forgettable and falls into the heaps of average sitcoms that are outshined by genuine original and funny shows such as 'Frasier', 'Everybody Loves Raymond', 'Malcolm in the Middle' etc... Other than the fact it has Fred Savage (and being in a focus group) I found no other reason to put up with it for 1/2hr. Hopefully it gets better, if not I don't think it should return(or deserve to return) in a second season. Considering better comedies such as Futurama and Family Guy were cancelled.


I think this show looks funny, I'll be watching.


We saw the taping of the first episode and it was pretty funny. Hope it hits our screens soon!


family guy was uncanceled.


and futurama was never funny.


no futurama was witty



I have to disagree too. I only laughted at a couple parts. Without Fred Savage, this show would stink.

[In girl voice] "I'm going to Starbucks, also alone..."

"DUCKIES RULE!" Eric, Boy Meets World

