New Format is TERRIBLE....

So I just read this on I am so disappointed that they are doing this. The whole point of the show is for them to get to know each other and learn lessons. This ruins it for me. Lame lame lame. New-Beauty-Geek/800033836?messageID=800393727&#800393727


see? i told you. life can your life more than a tv show.

"You have a beautiful face... Your doctor did an amazing job! " -Henry Grubstick


life can your life more than a tv show.




"You have a beautiful face... Your doctor did an amazing job! " -Henry Grubstick




exactly, there's no reason for them to bond with each other. i'll gladly watch the show again if they change the format back, but right seems pretty bad. and just from the first 20 mins my wife and I watched before we got disgusted with it and turned it off, it really seems like they don't have as sweet of beauties and geeks this time. it seems like they picked ones that would be more likely to clash and not get along.


Wait, don't give up on the show just yet! :)

I've got the feeling that this is just another "we're messing with your head" gimmicks.

It has to be! Doesn't it?

'Cause this show has always been lame, but it was good-natured. The Beauty/Geek pairs often bonded and learned from each other.

It was cool to see a Beauty learn to appreciate a Geek.

It was good to see a Geek have a "girlfriend" if only in the sense that the Beauty was a girl and a friend.


Having this format doesn't quite make sense yet. Hopefully it will come together later on. But Its going to be hard to get viewers when almost everyone is watching American Idol on tuesday night.



It seems many, like me have stopped watching now because of the TERRIBLE new format. The show completely BOMBED on Tuesday worse than it ever has. Don't expect it to last much longer now...


BatG was so great when the beauties and geeks were paired off. The "versus" format stinks! I give it two more episodes to see if it improves. I fear this show has jumped the shark.


Will the show potentially last twice as long - since they're removing only one person a week now?

What if one team gets virtually "wiped out" - say there are eventually six geeks vs one beauty? Or no geeks? So much for the social experiment.


It's in a bad time slot for going against competition.
And the models are about 4 or 5 years older this season. They are more jaded and fight more and seem to be too old to be doing this kind of show.


This format is horrible. In the preview for the next episode they mention something about the "format changing course" - which I hope at the very least means two mixed teams.

I understand why there's an elimination aspect, but that's never been why the show appealed to me. It was appealing to watch the teams work together, change, and so forth. In this situation everyone is just relying on their current strengths. I've always thought that an amusing format for this show would be like the first Real World/Road Rules challenges when you have two set teams for the duration of the show of six or so. Instead of eliminating players, there would be prizes won throughout the duration and then a final challenge at the end for a "big" prize.

The other miserable aspect of the new format is the pacing. Originally you'd have the geeks challenge, beauty challenge, some drama, and the elimination. Now the drama has become a far bigger aspect, and uninteresting given that the girls are just trying to seduce the boys and the boys are upset about the girls fighting.
