season finale?!?

i missed it what happened?!


yeah! what happened?


The family isn't moving because the building isn't being sold. Karen and Ben got together. She went to his apartment and found a thank you card from the committee for the contest that said thanks for being the tie breaker for Karen and the other girl. We know it was a hard decision. Karen got mad and left.


and then what happened??


That's where it ended. Isn't it annoying???


Lynn doesn't like the idea of Chris and Sophie because he has a lot of baggage, with loan sharks and a baby and whatnot. Lynn told her to break up with him. Sophie brought him to Lynn's first fashion show and tension rises. Chris went to save their seats but by the time Sophie got there, he was gone. The lady next to her said that Chris had to leave because of a family emergency. I don't buy it. I think it's because her mom hates him.

Karen got to walk for her mom's show. She broke up with Luke and went for Ben but like the person said above, she found the card.

Lynn told Maddie to get some help for her cocaine problem cause she's been taking money from their account. She went away but for the end of the fashion show, she was there to take credit and Lynn was furious. Maddie said that if Lynn was to sue her, Lynn would go down too because everything is in Maddie's name.

Sorry it wasn't written nicely... thought I'd recap for you. The DVD is out! It's badass! Even though it's only like 16 episodes...


Lynn is preparing for her fashion show but she finds out Maddie has a cocaine problem, and she's been spending money from Maddie and Lynn's account to buy cocaine. Lynn warns Maddie that she btter get help or she'll be dropped as Lynn's partner. Upset, Maddie leaves.

Chris and Sophie get together. But Chris has a child and money problems that Lynn tells Sophie to leave Chris. Obviously, Sophie doesn't want to. So she brings Chris to Lynn's first fashion show. Lynn gets really mad and Sophie says "Don't force me to choose between you and Chris. Becuase I might just pick Chris". She goes to find Chris who was saving their seats. A lady near the seats told Sophie that Chris left because of a family emergency.

At the fashion show Karen modelled and walked on the runway.

Karen left Luke and went with Ben. At Ben's place, she found a card that said "Thanks for you descision. It was a hard one with the tiebreaker between (winnter) and Karen". Karen starts crying and shows Ben the card. Then she leaves.

After the fashion show, photographers and magazine reporters are surrounding Maddie. Maddie showed up at the fashion show and she started taking credit for all the outfits on the show. She said "Thank you! I thought of these creations by myself last night!". Lynn talks Maddie away from the reporters and says "What are you doing here?". Maddie says "Everything is signed under my name so if you drop me, everything will be GONE".
