Too bad

I went to see this movie last night. It was playing at a single theatre and it was across town. I own both of the other movies on DVD (missed both at the theatre), so I really wanted to see this movie. This series reminded me of the first three Star War movies or the Indiana Jones movies. The first was great, the second not so much so, but redeemed by the third movie. However, unlike the Lucas movies, this is not the type of movie that you can skip one and watch the others. This series really requires you to watch all of them and the sad part is that is what keeps this series from being seen by a larger audience. Obviously they are aiming these squarely at LDS members and their friends, but these movies deserve better. However, few non-LDS members, like myself, will ever venture into the theatre to see the movie. I was saddened however to find that I was the lone movie viewer for this movie at this particular theatre. To be fair however, when I got to the parking lot after the movie, I counted a meager 15 cars in the parking lot of this 17 screen movie theatre.

