La Lupita

Alguien sabe en donde puedo conseguir las dos canciones que canta la lupita en la pelicula?


Uuuy, si, está muy bien, yo me quedé hasta el final para ver los créditos de la música y ahí escuché la de La Lupita, cantada por Héctor, y venía otra canción de Lino Nava, pero no sé en que parte de la película salió....

¿estarán en limewire?


Mas bien las queria bajar pero no encuentro nada en Limewire.. alguien mas sabe donde las puedo encontrar?


Pues yo baje una de Limewire, que cre es la que canta la chava antes de que atropellen al escuincle.... Según yo si es. Buscale en limewire. Yo sólo le puse "kilometro 31" y salio...


Hello there. One of my Mexican friends forwarded a song that was used for the movie km 31. If the movie is OK, I will buy it on DVD when it is released. I really want to buy the OSt(original SOundtrack), becasue that beautifull LaLupita song is featured on it!!

And you see, here it already goes wrong with you are immediatly checking torrent sites so you can download the song, just BUY THE BLOODY SOUNDTRACK for onces and SUPPORT that what you LIKE!!Support the band La Lupita!!

You all are part of the "download" generation. Downloading unknown material to check if it is good enough to buy is another thing, but the "download"generation really is full of crap and is too blind to see that artistic creativity is ruined by it!!

So, if the movie is released then buy it if you like it, if you like the Soundtrack then BUY it, you all act if you are the poorest slabs in the worst third world country. You disgust me and you are silly and pathetic.

But still, I love you all, I still think that you are smart enough to see the reality and eventuelly you will change.

Have a better one

Cheers buddies



Totally agree with you Syphonaptera, this generation only thinks on stealling, piracy and all that


I just want to let you know, that they are not planning to release a soundtrack for this flim.
