So annoyed!

Just a few minutes ago, I watched the final episode of the series. First, let me say that I love the series and its characters. But there's one thing that really bugs me: the way the series ended. A cliffhanger? Are you kidding me?! And am I the only one who hates - absolutely hates - the fact that Darnell isn't the father of Earl, Jr.? Poor Crab Man!

"Never mind walking a mile in my shoes. Try thinking a day in my head."


The reason why the series ended with a cliffhanger was because creator/executive producer Greg Garcia had been led to believe it was going to be renewed up until the last minute, when it was canceled. Attempts were made to shop the series for a way to give it an actual finale, but nothing panned out.
My wife and I just skip over the last episode (although it is quite funny) when we watch it; we end it by watching the two-parter with Geraldo Rivera.
