i really loved this film..so beautiful. i would like to see the director to expand on the 1966 story with a full-length feature film..since the 1911 one is basically stylistically fleshed out in Flowers of Shanghai. What were people's favority segment?


I'm glad you noticed this too, 1911 is surprisingly similar to his best film(imo) Flowers of Shanghai. I agree that 1966 period should get a better treatment but rather in this film and not doing another one separately just for this storyline. My favorite segment is probably 2005.


I didn't like that much the second time (1911)...But I agree the 1966 one is beautiful. Images become poetry in that part. About the 2005 one I loved the treatment of the light in it: it's as cold as the girl seems to be.


i like 66 best like you do


Definitely 66, the music, the atmoshphere and especially the two characters: arent they adorable? Really good acting, they are not saying much but there is so much expression in their faces.. I think the whole film is wonderful, like a beautiful yet sad painting.


my fave was 66 for how sweet it was, i was not alive around then, but because of what 'elders' talk about that era, the music, the fashion, it does appear to be an accurate account, perhaps things were sweeter, more romantic then?

i liked 2005 too, because its accurate as well. not only in its setting (hyper-active taipei) , the characters (fashion loving taiwanese girls, scooter hugging taiwanese guys) but modern day communication, alienation and detachment.

this movie really unfolds after you have seen it, when you are thinking about what you've seen and what its all about. its fantastic, slow, so go with an open mind, but nonetheless great.



I liked all of them! 66 is very emotional (that hand taking!), 11 was very delicate and the atmosphere just glided me. I smiled. 2005 is harsher - but understandable. I liked it- it has commentary, food for thought.

Good movie. Delicately maximal. Minimalistic beauty - simple yet very profound.

