New art isn't that great...

Has anyone noticed that the artwork on the new series actually isn't that great? It looks like it's done by wannabe photoshop artists who are just splotching on shading in random locations. The original series actually looked like it had a proper animation team. The new artwork looks really bad in comparison. I mean no offense and I'm not just speaking from nostalgia here. Like you get idiots who go around saying how the artwork on the original Spider-man was superior to the modern Spider-man cartoons, but seriously the artwork on the new Biker Mice from Mars looks really mediocre. The art looks like someone scanned in drawings done by someone who is OK at drawing, but not great, and put into Photoshop and had someone claiming to be a Photoshop artist paint it in and then casually shade it in with the airbrush and isn't really sure where to put the shading or how to make it look polished and realistic. You especially notice this on Charlie's shading in her hair and leather jacket. It's like the artist is trying to make her hair look shiny and anime-ish and it just didn't work out. The artist just randomly sprays the airbrush and it looks really bad. Anyone else agree? I'm not knocking the show, it's not bad, but the artwork can use a lot of work.


It's the downside of technological advancement. There will always be people who will take something innovative (computer aided animation) and use it without a firm grasp of how to apply the fundamentals to it. I'd honestly rather watch the bazillion flash-like cartoons than this.

Don't tell me what I can't do!


At last, someone who agrees!
