When is this coming out?

I just saw an interview with Ron English about this on "Popcultured" here in Canada, but I haven't seen any information on it coming out.


It is actually playing at the Bloor Cinema in Toronto from June 17th-22nd. I just went and saw it tonight. Ron English was actually present for a Q&A session, and he'll do the same for the 18th. I'm not entirely sure about the other screening dates.

I'm pretty sure this won't be getting a big, multiplex-spanning, Super Size Me-like release. The film's lone producer was also at the screening, and he explained that they didn't submit the film to any festivals or anything, so it was pretty much his job to market the movie from scratch. He was really urging the audience to go out and spread the word about the rest of the Bloor screenings. Keep your ears open around your local moviehouse, though, and it just might screen the film.

Someone has been pissing on my Gamecube and I'm about to close the case.
