MovieChat Forums > The Thick of It (2005) Discussion > Delete your post The Thick Of It style.....

Delete your post The Thick Of It style...

This post was deleted because it used a lot of what we would call 'violent sexual imagery'.


This post has been deleted because you couldn't organize a bum rape in a barracks.


I'd love to delete this post, but I'd rather have Type 2 Diabetes.


This thread is deader than Alan Carr in a prison riot...


This post was deleted because it looks like what happens when you punch a cow.

The stories of an underappreciated retail employee.



This post was deleted because it was of as much use as a marzipan dildo

When you kill a man to defend an idea, you're not defending an idea. You're killing a man.


this post is deleted because it was as on the ball as a dead seal.


This post was deleted because it's got a crooked husband and a daughter who gets taken to school in a Sedan chair.

"Someone has been tampering with Hank's memories."

