
Wich actor would you like to see as Gerold?


I think David Wenham is the perfect choice!!!!! *bounces*


Yes, I think so too!!! This will be so amazing, I mean with that cast. And espacially with David Wenham nothing can go wrong. He did a really great job in "The Lord of the Ring" trilogy and of course "300".


and in so many other movies...

I'm so thrilled that he's doing a movie in Germany! Go to getty images to see pictures from the press conference


Cool! I haven't read the book yet but understand it's held in pretty high regard. So I'm completely open to hearing spoilers about the plot - who's Gerold and is he in the story much?


It is hard to give a proper summary because the book has so many different story lines... Gerold is a young, handsome, smart, strong and nice man who falls in love with Joan...So you see he´s one of the main characters...
I recommend you to read the book it is really worth it, but of course you must like this sort of story...


Thanks for that, annannaann-1! I'm sold - it'll be nice to see David Wenham playing a main character for once! I will look out for a copy of the book.


i loooooved the book and i am soooo pleased with they guy they cast. forgot his name but he already looks like the gerold i always imagined. cant WAIT seriously! :D


