This movie sucks!

The first was at least funny. This movie just is not funny and doesn't have any star nudity. I like to laugh at least during a movie I did not laugh at all during this movie. Negative 2 out of 5 and a negative 1 out 10 rating. This movie is not worth your time. If you want to see something funny then look elsewhere, such as the first movie. If you want to see nudity you would be better off doing a free google picture search. If you are going to make a movie about naked women and comedy then get rid of the BITCHING women and show the goods. These movies are not meant for women but for MEN and unless they change their trend I am going to avoid any further National Lampoon Movies.

These movies have always meant to be hilarious and/or explicit in the female form. If you cannot do that then do not do it. I will never recommend this movie.



I gave it a 4 because Vida Guerra is in it. She cant act if her life depended on it, but hey..thats not what she's there for :D

And plus St. Claire is there.


i love this movie it was so funny and it had some really good parts if u no wut i meen

Dont leave the house, Dont answer the phone,But most of all dont SCREAM!!!!


the entire movie was a steaming pile of $hit


I just watched both Dorm Daze movies together tonight on The Movie Channel, and I would have to say part 2 was better (maybe because I was drunker). I don't like Van Wilder or American Pie or Road Trip, but I do like the old '80's teen comedies like Porky's, Hot Moves, Private School, etc. and Dorm Daze 2 kinda felt like one of those.


What is everybody talking about? This movie was funny as Sh*t. Much better than the 1st piece of crap that came before it. Sure it was quite dry and very predictable at times but hey how many movies today aren't that way. I liked it and I LOVE VIDA!


Yeah its one of those movies you gotta be messed up to watch, I was laughing through most of it.

I thought the first one sucked.

