MovieChat Forums > Dorm Daze 2 (2006) Discussion > Did anyone else feel like this movie was...

Did anyone else feel like this movie was distanced from the first one?

I watched the first one last night and the second one a little while ago. While I enjoyed both of them, I kind of thought that the second one was like an alternate reality. Okay, so the Booker and Rachel thing connected to the first movie, and Marla and Lynne did return, but Newmar seemed different, and Foosball REALLY seemed different. Newmar seemed like a normal guy who just happened to be gay in the first one, but in the second one, he was beyond flaming. As for Newmar, nothing was explained about what happened between him and Adrienne. I could probably see that he might've gotten contacts (Of course, that has nothing to do with the main topic.), but what happened with Adrienne? Same with Tony and Claire, as well as Dominique the french girl and the Britney The Snake thing at the end.

I'm kind of a big deal. People know me.
