JJ's Reason Explained.

JJ moved to London after failing to start up his band with his former high school friends, however before this, he was involved in numerous crimes and met up with his former Chemistry teacher to produce high calibre meth. Over the follow year, he began making millions of dollars with his partner. After the death of his girlfriend, JJ was broken and began using more often. However his partner took him to rehab, where slowly he began to get better, he finally left clean and continued to make meth with his partner. The relationship between JJ and his partner began to strain and his partner had to eliminate their boss to stop them from killing him. After a while JJ began to make millions alongside his partner until he quit and spent time with his girlfriend he met in rehab. A few months later, his partner came to his house, he thought he was going to die and held onto a gun. His partner left him millions of dollars on his doorstep and walked away. Then a year had gone by and his partner's brother in law, who was a DEA agent found out about how he payed off his medical treatment. To avoid JJ spilling the beans his former partner told him to move away and leave New Mexico. JJ agreed and while looking for his joint, he made a connection, so later JJ found out his partner poisoned his girlfriend's son and ran back to their lawyer and beat him up asking him why he did it. JJ then tried to sabotage his partner. After JJ came up with the plan to trick his partner into the desert, he was kidnapped by Nazis who took 80 million dollar from his partner. His partner hated JJ and told them to kill him after they got information from him. JJ was tortured and forced to cook meth that was 99.9% pure. JJ tried to escape and was however caught, they then killed his ex-girlfriend in front of him and he was broken again. After another year of torture his old partner, who was being hunted nation wide, freed him after killing the Nazis. JJ then drove out of the compound and took the rest of his money and fled to the UK where he finally wanted to kill himself in 2014.






Funny thing is I subconsentially do this with many actors who are my favorite and create elaborate stories like this connecting them from one movie to another.

And I too had him linked to Breaking bad then this. And then to Need for speed.

Loved your story connection.


*slow clap*

i think this is an altarnative universe where he still meets his soulmate,
after still not getting over his depression.

the other one being the need for speed universe
where he drives off and grasps his freedom and again meets his soulmate
