lots of one star reviews

Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/mar/20/long-way-down-review-nick- hornby

telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/filmreviews/10628708/A-Long-Wa y-Down-review.html

mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2585770/Pierce-youre-no-C ary-Grant-Brosnans-attempt-comedy-new-Nick-Hornby-adaptation-fails-rai se-laugh.html two stars

little white lies http://www.littlewhitelies.co.uk/theatrical-reviews/a-long-way-down-26 169

totalfilm http://www.totalfilm.com/reviews/cinema/a-long-way-down

I was quite looking forward to this but the reviews seem to indicate that'll be awful.

Is it worth going to?


It's not awful, but it's not great, either. It's not one of Hornby's best novels (read all of them, apart from "Fever Pitch") to start with, and it keeps dragging somewhere most of the time, although the characters are quite likable, even Brosnan's character, but this just isn't enough to save a film with so little structure. Would have been twice as good if it had been half as long.


I thought it was awful. Fever Pitch is Nick Hornby's best book by a mile, enjoyable if you don't like football.


I think the critics have a big issue with a heavy subject (suicide) providing the backbone for a reasonably light film.

If this does not bother you, and I suspect it won't bother most people, it is actually very watchable without being particularly special.

It is what I would a 'plane movie' - i.e. something light you could watch on a plane, or at home when you are just looking for an easy watch.

Does not need to be seen in a cinema but if that whole Nick Hornby/Richard Curtis vibe appeals to you, you will probably be satisfied. I was and actually the terrible reviews helped make it a relatively pleasant surprise.



Well said


Yes. Well said.

Although the last film I saw on a plane was Never Let Me Go. If I wasn't insane and way past caring what people think, the intense sobbing might have been an issue :)

And I actually connected with and loved this film. Aaron Paul is just soooooo watchable and huggable. Love that guy. And Imogen I could watch until the universe goes down. And Toni Collette is maybe one of my favourite humans. Because she does Human so damn well. And then there is the ultimate father figure for my generation, Mr. Brosnan :) And it did respect Nick Hornbys tone accurately. Actually, I probably liked it lot more than you did, but still nicely written.


O the hypocrisy of critics, if true! They loved it when Benigni made a comedy on the holocaust.

www.1up-games.com Last seen:


It's a great film. It's I think a tad mature and to the bone material/theme wise for most people.

1 star is pretty harsh. I think it's not arty enough and that's good. This sort of material shouldn't always be dealth with a blunt instrument.


I got around to watching it and was pleasantly surprised
7 out of 10
