support for moa birds

I think that too many people on this game are killing moa birds and striders just for "fun." Sure, yes it is a computer game, but surely this could encourage violence against real animals! And I don't think it's really very positive behaviour, the last thing we want to see is a bunch of adorable kittens strapped to a railway track, meowing for their little lives. I am thinking of forming a group of people who agree that the moa bird must be saved, if anyone is interested in joining or they just feel the same could they please reply? Thank you.

I'll fight you, anything to break the boredome


I agree, same goes for black bears and snow wolves!



I'll fight you, anything to break the boredome


And in Factions, there seems to be alot of mass killing of chinese people. This game is racist!!


how evil.

I'll fight you, anything to break the boredome


lol like difference;

killing of innocent made-up animals:

I think that too many people on this game are killing moa birds and striders just for "fun." Sure, yes it is a computer game, but surely this could encourage violence against real animals! And I don't think it's really very positive behaviour, the last thing we want to see is a bunch of adorable kittens strapped to a railway track, meowing for their little lives. I am thinking of forming a group of people who agree that the moa bird must be saved, if anyone is interested in joining or they just feel the same could they please reply? Thank you.

Attempted genocide of an entire race:

how evil


Well only their computer game characters are killed, on the otherhand killing these computer animals WILL encourage bad morals and violance against REAL animals. This must be stopped, FULL STOP.

I'll fight you, anything to break the boredome


I kill moa birds, but for a purpose. I am a necro and make minions from their corpses, so theoretically I dont kill them for fun just to serve my own ends. Plus in factions Moa's are evil and attack you!!!




Would anyone be interested in joining a guild in order to pentition to protect the moa bird. It's not very big, but everyone has to start somewhere. You don't have to take it seriously, but it would be cool if we could make a difference. Please reply to this or send me a message if you want to join. My name on guild wars is melinda mistletoe.

I'll fight you, anything to break the boredome


So do you suggest we become environmentalists?? Im in (forgive my sp3eling

RIP Star Wars Galaxies :(


Moa Birds are quite amazing birds, i feel sorry for those birds in Cho's Estate, had to put em out of there misery:(


I Moa birds.

They're very tasty.

Went to a graveyard today. Got naked. Did a shjt on a tombstone.


i care for my endangered black moa.

"We can no longer live as rats. We know too much"


i feed my black moa the normal moa birds.....


guild wars is like so last tuesday honeys! World of warcraft rules

Isn't it obvious by now that our only destiny is to die!-Piper
