just played the demo

I'm subscribed to Playstation Magazine, and in each issue you get a disk containing demos, videos and other extra stuff on upcoming games. I was so happy when I found out that my September issue had a demo of Evil Dead: Regeneration on it! I got to play about 10 minutes of the game and I know there are people who want more information and some may not. So when I was playing I wrote down quotes I heard Ash and Sam(The Midget Sidekick)say.

I'm not quite sure where I started from the game but Ash and Sam had already met, they were in the woods, it was night time, and they were escaping the top of a house. (Sam:Smell the fresh air! Ash: All I smell is trouble. Stay focused runt.) They ended on the ground in a spot with a basketball hoop. While I had Ash kick Sam in the hoop, he would say stuff like this..(Nothing but net! GGGOOAALL!!OH!Its a three pointer! He shoots he scores!) I then followed a stony path to a cemetary and that force that chases Ash in the movies that you never see it follows them and summons skeletons out of their grave. They attack Ash by throwing their bones at him. After unloading a couple rounds from his trusty boomstick, Ash continues throught the cemetary. (Sam: So what were you in the looney bin for? Mania? Dementia? ADD? I was in for ADD. They usually don't put you in Sunny Meadows for something like that but the shrink said I had a bad case. Ash:(annoyed)Just...shut up! Okay? Sam: Where was I? I was kept in a basement for a couple months. They poked me, prodded me, and didn't even give me a scrap of food. Well lucky for me, one of the chefs left taco shells down there for me. I lived off them for three fricken years! Ash: If you don't shut your cakehole...) When I got to the exit gate it was being guarded by demons. (Sam: Holy hell! Ash: Hey If we get ambushed just stay still and they'll think your a garden gnome.) I beat them and got to the gate..it was locked. (Sam: Theres a way to get through here.(sees rats and tries to climb Ash)..Ash: Whats your malfunction? Stop pole dancing on my leg! (Ash sees a vision of Pro.Knoby) Pro. Knoby:...You can take possesion of other people.. Ash: If I go puppetmaster on baconbit will I be able to shut his freaking pie hole? (Ash possesses Sam) Sam: I swear to crap, you put one scatch on me.. Ash: Don't worry, I'll bring you back in one piece.)

Random Lines(some when fighting):
Sam: Just my luck!
Sam: This just ain't my freaking day..
Sam: Get ready for some feeling cause I'm feeling fiesty!
Ash after kicking Sam: Don't worry runt, you'll get over it.
Ash: I'm almost depressed.
Ash: No no, you're through.
Ash: Ooh that felt good.
Ash: I'm not an expert but that probably hurt.
Ash: Not too shabby.
Ash: You know what? You're toast.


you tell me everything exept if its goooood


From what I played, I can tell you that its definitly an improvment from Fistfull of Boomstick. The controls are better but the camera is a little wierd because you can only turn it so far and when you let the joystick go it goes back to the way it was before you moved it. And if you ever played Fistfull of Boomstick and got a good look at Ash, you notice how ugly he is. He looks pretty damn hot in this one! And in this one, demons don't jump out from anywhere(a big plus because personally I found that to be really annoying in FoB). To answer your question..yes it looks goooood.

Oh, by the way, Pennywise is screwing your mom.-Imdb Poster
Thats right, whos laughing now?!-Ash



I picked up the disc for its FF7: Advent children trailer, but this was truly icing on the cake, although I like AFOB better

