MovieChat Forums > Evil Dead: Regeneration (2005) Discussion > The Game and The Sequel, and Remake

The Game and The Sequel, and Remake

Does anyone feel like this is a big dream, for fans of the Evil Dead movies. I mean, they're remaking the original, gore fest. Bruce Campbell is in talk about reprising his role as Ash in Evil Dead 4. And there is a third video game installment coming out. It couldn't get any better than this. Don't you guys and gals agree?

"I don't care what happens to her. She's your girlfriend, you take care of her."
-Scotty, "The Evil Dead"


Absolutely! The Evil Dead trilogy (plus extra games and others stuff) has one of the biggest cult followings (from what I hear), and I myself am glad to be a part. Bruce Campbell rules (he should have been Doctor Octopus in Spiderman 2).

"I can't carry it for you... But I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee



It was already retarded because both Spider movies were terrible imo (the cartoon and comic book run circles around it). Sam Raimi's only good movies are the Evil Dead movies, I didn't like any of his other ones.

"I can't carry it for you... But I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee


I loved the Spiderman movies!!! Sam did an awesome job on them, and last night I saw A Simple Plan for the first time. It was also pretty good, despite no Bruce Campbell or Ted Raimi cameos. I don't think I saw the Delta 88 Classic either. But I agree with the first post, lately there has been alot of new Evil Dead stuff and I can't wait till Evil Dead Regeneration comes out and to see Man With The Screaming Brain. The Raimis and Bruce Campbell rock!

P.S Along with working out, Bruce might need to dye his hair. I see greys!




ok nothing better than bruce playing ash again but wat about how he looks.....ash is a young guy. im sure if he hit the gym he'd be schweet.
bruce rocks!



thats nice for you. maybe you just dont appreciate low budget filmaking. personally..i luv the evil dead trilogy and look at sam raimi now.


Its not a show buddy.



To point of fact, the movies OWN, I have them all on video and am taking them to my grave...hence I will then come alive as a deadite and spread the word :):)
Only prob I have with the new film is tht censors will prob try and turn it into a flipping teeny "fight" night movie...if they do that then it'll be like the muppet show without the muppets.
A show is a show...a film is a movie.
A show can also be seen on broadway....check your facts and make sure you back them up before you diss a movie.
I hope there isn't loads of CG and stuff in the new evil dead movie...




let me guess adam freem32 you saw Evil Dead, and before you saw it you had high expections like it was gonna be the next Godfather? Does the term B movie mean anything to you?


I'm looking forward to getting this game for Christmas. I'm also stoked about Evil Dead IV (supposedly it is to be made after Spiderman 3). I say Bruce Campbell should play Mysterio eventually. Think about it? It would make sence, and would be bad ass.

The best part of waking up is Satan in your cup.


I hope you got it for christmas because I did and it kicked ass! I agree with everyone hear I love Evil Dead and Bruce Campbell has stayed true to his roots and never has gone hollywood. Yes I agree after Spiderman three raimee will make evil dead four I believe he said that himself.

"I'm not interested in Saturn, I said Mars."

