Favorite weapon combinations

I pretty much used the shotgun and harpoon gun most of the time. It seemed the most effective.



I enjoyed reeling them in with the harpoon gun, launching them in the air with the shotgun, switching to the chainsaw while they were flying, and doing a jump-slice while they were in mid-air. That move kicked ass.



i agree, he looks so badass with the chainsaw and boomstick

"Why am I Mr. Pink?"


Until the Chainsaw was upgarded it, it was shotgun and harpoon all the time...

once the new chainsaw was acheived (though i wish it coulda been red too) it was back to the old fashion way. (although the harpoon was the greatest thing in the world when protecting sam from deadites in the soul feedings.


I like using the harpoon, launching them with the boomstick then quickly switching to the pistol and juggling them with that. You get massive amounts of essence.

That or I'd harpoon, shotgun, harpoon them in mid air and shotguning them until they die.

But mostly I'd stick with the classics.

Stay solid Boppers.

THE WARRIORS #30 scout

