Better than Winter Soldier

I know I might be in the minority here, but I enjoyed it more than WS (in which I yawned a little bit but like it still), anyone else?


I agree with you. I liked this movie much better and have seen it more than once.

Winter Soldier I found tedious as I was watching it. I kept watching the clock and couldn't believe how slowly time was dragging. Other than the political position of Steve Rogers, I just did not care for the plot of WS. It takes more than action sequences to draw me into a comic book movie (as I don't like most comic book movies). Either I have to like the plot or I have to think the movie's fun to watch (so don't care about the silly plot). Captain America: The First Avenger was the former. The first Avengers movie was the latter. Winter Soldier was neither to me. Hence, the clock watching waiting for the tedium to be over.


I like it much more than Winter Soldier. It tries to capture a retro sort of tone, and winningly, charmingly succeeds, while Winter Soldier tried to do the same thing, and for me sort of failed spectacularly. Of course I didn't love this all that much the first time either, but after 3 viewings I absolutely love it. The sequel I have still only watched the one time, so hopefully it will grow on revisits also



I preferred this too. All the Phase one films were better (except Iron man 2 which was a mess) they each had their own character, now they all feel and look the same.


I love Winter Soldier. But i come to the conclusion alot of times the this movie is the better one because of how classy the feel is.



I just saw all three in a row, plus the two Avengers films, and I thought I was the only one that liked this more than Winter Soldier. I just keep hearing and reading how Winter Soldier is the best one, so amazing, blah blah blah. I found it way too talky and Scarlett really bores me when she's not fighting, I do not want to watch her act, as that is not her strong point. I don't even find her attractive.


All three films are awesome. Each have a different flavor yet enough of the one that came before to make it linked and special.

Best trilogy all-time.


All three films are awesome. Each have a different flavor yet enough of the one that came before to make it linked and special.

Best trilogy all-time.

No, just no


Hmmm, I wonder what the chances are that you are a DC fanboy? 


Just stating the truth


Just stating my opinion

Fixed that for ya


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"


You rated Batman V Superman a 10/10 

DC/WB admitted that movie was sh!t so that's why they did the extended cut. 
