Stitch dies?

I read somewhere that Stitch dies in this movie. Is this true?





I have to admit I was shocked by the ending - usually Disney films make you realise that nothing too bad will happen to the main character but it did feel in this case our poor alien friend had died.

Very good sequel after the poor Stitch the movie.


Yeah, this is the GOOD sequel. I was pretty shocked too, because I felt that, knowing Disney, he would only come close to death, not actually die! (I realize that in Beauty and the Beast, he actually dies, but Disney has changed a lot in these years...)

You can take the hovercraft...if you can find it.-Nani, from Lilo and Stitch 2


In what way are all you guys so utterly SHOCKED about this movie? There was absolutely nothing shocking or surprising about it. Disney has a history of almost killing (sometimes outright killing) and then bringing back characters, and furthermore has a history of brutally killing characters (Simba's dad in "Lion King," Carl's wife in "Up," Kocoum in "Pocahontas," the baby gorilla, Tarzan's parents and the head ape whose name I forget in "Tarzan," that douchebag firefly in "Frog Princess," Nemo's mom and billion egg-siblings in "Finding Nemo"... these are only GOOD guys of course and only off the top of my head), so I really don't understand the startlingly large number of you using the word "shocking" to describe Stitch's "death." I mean seriously. It's creepy how many of you say you were "shocked." Considering the death itself was very quick and emotionless too.

Also considering that it was quite to be expected (considering the heavy-handed foreshadowing of the legend of coming back from death, love being stronger than death stuff, I called exactly the way Stitch would die and come back and I was only half-watching the movie, which by the way was crap) and not at all surprising, again I find the phrase SHOCKING to be a bit of an overkill.

Also also, if a person creates a topic asking if it's true that Stitch dies, I would assume most people would post "Briefly but he comes back" because obviously the core of this question is, does Stitch DIE and is DEAD? Most of you were all, "Yup he dies, I was shocked!" Again, you people are insane. But you also don't know how to answer a question. I just hope most of you are 10 and that's why you were so shocked by something that was predictable and unshocking and also why you were all so stupidly unable to post a proper reply. Because right now you freaks are really freaking me out.

Last note: THIS SEQUEL SUCKED. STOP LIKING IT. Lilo was completely normal (unlike the original where she was hilariously weird) and ruined in this, the story was contrived and stupid (why did the scientist need to hide Stitch's condition and steal toasters and whatnot instead of telling everyone and asking for help?) and it was just... bad. Uck. You people. Man.

- - -

Whether they find life there or not, I think Jupiter should be considered an enemy planet.


Yeah...this was THE saddest death-scene I've ever seen in a Disney movie (that I remember)...I was still upset for a couple of hours after I first saw the movie...

Did anyone catch a sucidal-undertone when Stitch took his goodness-level picture and marked it out with a big blood-red X? Or is that just my imagination running wild *again*?

Ahcoota Choonutro
Degatah No Mootah
Naga Tonala
Eetruma Tadrutah
~Angel's song~




Thank goodness, I'm not losing my mind.

>>>I thought he was going to try and kill himself to protect everyone else. I thought the movie was going to end with Stitch preparing to throw himself into the volcanoe (like in the legend) but Lilo would show up and stop him and bring him to the chamber.<<<

Hmm...I'm not to sure if lava can even kill Stitch...*remembers a comic in which Stitch was swimming in lava*...but that's an awesome ending, too.

I like the movie's the best, though. Who'd of thought they'd kill off Stitch?!

Ahcoota Choonutro
Degatah No Mootah
Naga Tonala
Eetruma Tadrutah
~Angel's song~


I was utterly shocked by how Stitch's death scene played out, because usually, they don't show a close-up of people dying in Disney movies. But, in this case, we see Stitch take his last, rattled breath before shutting his eyes and dying. It's very realistic for Disney, but the coming back from death was not, thus keeping it in the Disney genre. I didn't cry, but it was very heartbreaking to watch.


Yeah, most realistic...
I just remembered when my brother and I rewatched BATB, and at the infamous "death scene" my brother said "It looks more like he's fainted to me."

You can take the hovercraft...if you can find it.-Nani, from Lilo and Stitch 2


The scene when Stitch dies is so sad. I couldn't stop crying.

Don't not to eat spinach


The scene when Stitch dies is so sad. I couldn't stop crying.

you're not the only one


I almost cried the first time,but I knew Stitch had to live because a new movie of his was coming out the next summer!

Live your life so that the preacher won't have to lie at your funeral.


No, he does'nt die. The glitch thingy made him uncisios, and they put him in the chamber. They think it's to late, but Stitch was alive.

Armed and Dangerous




Yeah dwright1212
its like the legend lilo was explaining throughout the movie
the friendship, love is stronger than death...
her love for him brought him back
after he DIED,
get it now?


Interesting aspect-

Throughout the whole movie, Stitch's 'life-level' kept dropping, and simultaniously, Stitch kept lowering his 'goodness-level'



Hey, am I just seeing things, or does Stitch smile right after he apologizes to Lilo and right before he dies? Because, if he did, that would mean he died happy...and now I'm gonna cry...

Mumble: What about when all of your friends have eggs?
Gloria: Then I'll have you.



I did cry lol Im 14 and my brother whos 10 whos is an even BIGGER fan of Stitch just walked off rolling his eyes lol.

Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different?-Davvy Jones


I just saw the movie for the first time and loved it. It was very touching, and it made me cry when Stitch died. I'm glad that he made it back though.


Wish they'd explained his revival in a more satisfactory manner, though. "'How is that possible?' 'It isn't.'" just dosn't cut it for me.


His revival is explained by lilo's theme for her hula- the "love is more powerful than death" thing. Stitch's death and revival is a reflection of that legend.


Just saw it recently, and while the tears did not come, it was indeed a shockingly powerful choice by Disney, be it a short lived 3 minute choice nonetheless. The scene was well done, well thought out, artfully presented in a manner that wasn't overtly sentimental, and the dialogue was perfect. It's very hard to write a script for a death scene without saturating it with sentiment and producing an overripe effect.

This was to me, one of the few Disney sequels which did proper justice to its respective predecessor. I believe this was originally slated for a theatrical release, and I think in many ways, it really shows.

And as for the whole "love being greater than death" bit, if you take it apart and deviate from a more literal translation, you can make it work in a realistic context. For in love, there is family, literally or in spirit, and as the previous movie states, "family means no one is left behind or forgetten", even, I would think, in death. Sure it, it's a bit of a stretch, but if I had to explain the concept to a child, I would go along those lines rather than have an episode.



I don't think Stitch really died. IMO he is only seemingly dead for some minutes. He has only very little energy - too little to be measured by Jumba's machine. Then Lilo's love for Stitch gives him new and enough energy to live normally again. So he wasn't dead - only almost.
I know that the handsome mortal Lo'hiau dies. But stories like this one can't be transformed completely into reality.


I agree with that...although I think it does show how Disney has moved on as there was pure emotion throughout that scene.
I watched it with my partner, who is 23, and he was crying his eyes out!
So gutted that there won't be any more Stitch!


I have always thought the death scene was powerful and somewhat surprising for Disney. I never cried before, but the movie was on this morning, and this time I bawled my eyes out. I lost my dog this summer, and that scene was almost an exact replica of what it was like when my dog died. The whole "I love you. You're my ohana." - pretty much what I told her before...

"We pretty much make our living on crazy."


I first watched this with my best friend and I tried sooo hard not to cry when Stitch died ='[ but I'm glad he came back to life ^_^ I love love LOVE Stitch! And Lilo too ;)

Live your own life...not someone else's.


