This Movie Was Filthy!

I just watched the Filthy Mc Nasty Double Feature on Why are these movies in the Horror section? This is not a horror movie, this is like a horror porn movie! It was funny, but filthy! I had to turn it off at one part, it just got too nasty!

R.I.P. Uncle Steve


I just watched this movie last night. Oh, God, it was nasty. It was in a thriller section here. I have no idea why. It should be under the nasty porn section lol.


Yeah very true, this should be in the porn section. The cover fooled me I know that. It did have a monster devil guy in it, but it was far from a horror movie. It had one terrible ending too!

R.I.P. Uncle Steve


This movie should be in comedy. I just watched this one (having not watched the other(s)), and laughed through the whole thing. Just stupid, random, sketchy, tasteless comedy bits.

I probably wouldn't have liked it if I hadn't been smoking.


It just goes to show, sometimes you should look at the name of a movie before you watch it.

All the plot you need is that The Warriors have to "bop their way back to Coney." —alanmc1uk
