MovieChat Forums > Fido (2007) Discussion > Who was the father of the baby? (spoiler...

Who was the father of the baby? (spoilers)

Throughout the movie there was plenty of evidence that there was a romantic attraction between Timmy's mother and Fido. Is it possible that the baby was actually Fido's and not Timmy's dad's? Timmy's dad showed no physical attraction for his wife throughout the movie despite her attempts to lure him. Not to mention the way Fido looks at and tickles the baby at the end makes it seem like he has a paternal bond with the baby. I was half expecting to see a zombie baby when they finally showed it, but I suppose that would have been too obvious for the underlying subtlety of this movie. Thoughts?

Sometimes...dead is better.


Really? Because she was pregnant at the beginning of the movie before she even bought the zombie. I remember thinking when she first showed up in the red dress that the actress had gained some weight but then noticed in the next scene that she was kind of hiding that she was pregnant. Her husband kind of had an aversion to kids, which was obvious from the way he treated Timmy, so I think she was trying to hide it until she couldn't anymore.

"Hmm, let me see. How about NO Kyle?! You go to hell! You go to hell and you DIE!"


The husband didn't want more kids, because it would be more money for a funeral.


yeah although i like the idea, she was pregnant at the start of the movie before they got fido...

although... she could've got pregnant before the movie started, and that's what made her decide to keep fido? possibility


Taken from the Trivia section:

"The pregnancy subplot involving 'Carrie-Ann Moss'' character Helen Robinson was only added because Moss was really pregnant during filming, and they added the pregnancy scenes to keep the continuity through the movie as she grew larger."


Not only was she pregnant before she bought Fido, but zombies are dead, and if they can't bleed, like the guy from ZomCom says, then I doubt they can produce semen.


Who the **** would **** a zombie di**?!



'cause you'd be surprised...

!No IMDB idiot may respond to this.!


People ride plastic disembodied wangs every day.
Only the wealthier set can afford a larger squishy plastic body shape or even a Real Doll (which is more socially acceptable than copulating with a corpse, but not by much).

So a zombie wang connected to a humanoid body that can vaguely emote?
There'd be a market for it.
I figure that given that this was 1950's style technology, the zombies were formaldehyded infused with a number of anti-rot preservatives (tannins from tea for curing leather), and dyed a uniform light blue by Methyline Blue dye to also increase their functional lifespan. If you consider the zombie to be like a taxidermist challenge and break the sections into "how best to cure this meat into leather-like materials" then you'd include injections of silicone lubricants in the joints and muscles to allow them to slide over without wear.

And then there is the whole Zombie Reanimation Radiation which causes the flesh to respond to sodium/potassium stimulations. That's got to help a lot with keeping your undead servants supple and mobile. Remember that zombies don't excrete even though they eat. They don't sweat or cry (usually) so you've got a cured leather meat bag with very little sodium/potassium leakage replacement of lost ions would not be a problem if the Zombie Radiation fixes those ions for immediate reuse.


You're overthinking it. Dead humans turn blue, it's part of the decomposition process. It's the control collar that Zomcom invented, permitting humans to live with the.zombies. ?We live apart from natural decay and are unaware of its progression. Fido has the look of a.human dead four or.five.days.

Bored now.


I kinda had that same feeling a bit, but more so when she asked if he could remember before he died... Far stretched, but could have had an interesting side/back story there.

Who needs a signature when I have a perfectly working middle finger.


I don't think Fido was the biological father of the baby. At the end it seemed he was going to act as a father figure to Timmy and the baby.


It would have been interesting if it turned out she had an affair with Fido before he became a zombie and she bought him to keep him around. Guess we'll never know for sure.

Last movie I've seen: YEAR ONE - 2009

