Norris City, Illinois

I just read that this film is supposed to take place in Norris City, Illinois, which in my hometown. Why was Norris City picked? Anyone know? There are only 1100 people in the town, so this is a big suprise.


No, but i know they were/are filming it in North/South Carolina.

Life moves pretty fast, if you dont stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.


yea, they were filming in gaffney, south carolina. And yeah, its a small city too.

"You know me, I'm Paul Walker's girl"



Sorry I didn't see your posting sooner. According to an interesting interview in The Carmi Times last year, Matt Williams said the story was based loosely on his brother, and actually took place in McLeansboro (my hometown) and Benton. He just thought Norris City had a better "ring" to it. When I interviewed with The Carmi Times about the movie after production was over, they hadn't heard about it. Apparently, it was a surprise to Norris City, too. I think you might still be able to pull up the 2 articles they did on Walker online. When I gave an interview to The McLeansboro Times-Leader, they weren't interested!
