
I found Sharpe James to be exceptionally racist. Booker was never "black" enough. His skin was too light, he was backed by Jews, he was backed by Republicans, all spouted in a derogatory manner at Booker. Booker's education was even made an issue. If you are educated you are not "black" enough. What a disservice is being done to the black community by their leaders who denigrate education. And who jumps on James' bandwagon? Why its those race hustlers and shake down artists Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. I may not agree with Cornell West in all things, but I do agree that there is a vacuum in black leadership. Hopefully, people like Cory Booker will fill that void.

Go ahead, make my day....


Jesse Jackson is a huge racist

Yo, she-bitch... lets go.


I'm hoping Cory Booker will make it to bigger and better things as he seems like an actually Good man! Unbelievabe in this day and age, but I'm betting he ends up a U.S. Senator or a congressman & maybe even more, here's hoping, I'm betting he's something special in about 10-15 years that is for sure.
