
I enjoyed it a lot.


>I enjoyed it a lot.

Were you awake at the time?


Re. "I enjoyed it a lot."
"Were you awake at the time?"

I enjoyed it, and I was awake. : )


Man, there are alot of complainers. I would like to see anyone of these same critics take their favorite movie, write a story around it, put this much effort forth, and see what THEY come up with. I guarantee it would be no where near this good.

I am not saying that this is awesome, but I will say that they did a HECK of a job on it, and it was actually quite entertaining.


I quite enjoyed most of the special effects. Especially the spaceships zooming past early on. Just about better than anything in the real movies. Unfortunately that's the ONLY good thing about this movie. Poor acting (which I could live with considering it's a fan movie), and a completely boring plot really let it down. It's worth a watch and a rating of 5. But that's it.

"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein


The plot was mediocre; take it or leave it. The acting was hugely variable, from OK to downright awful, but on average nowhere near as bad as many have claimed. By and large, characters who actually look like people you might meet in reality was a welcome change (criticisms that the women don't look like Hollywood stars are downright pathetic). The visuals were excellent for an amateur effort.


I really don't get the vile hate that gets spewed at fan productions. Sure, they're offering something to the public, that should open themselves up to criticism.

I'm thinking that these people see fan films as "easy targets" and attack them because they're "bad" and not on the actual merits (or lack thereof) of what these people did with a few thousand dollars.

The complaints basically fall into three categories for fan films:

1) The people "can't act" - either due to the fact they aren't trained thespians or because they're not doing dozens upon dozens of takes per shot like professional movies do.

2) The effects are bad. Sometimes fan films have laughably bad effects - almost to the point that I would never have considered releasing it in that condition if I were them - most of the time they're not really that bad especially when you consider that they're most likely doing everything on a home computer and regardless of what someone jerk might claim, they don't really have a legitimate copy of a 10,000+ dollar program.

3) The cast isn't "attractive" - most of the people who are in these films are fans. They didn't cast the roles in a traditional manner - the pool was small, and you get what they had available. I've seen very few times where an actor or actress is impossible to look at. It just doesn't happen.

Also, if you look closely at any fan film board, the people who bash the work have almost exclusively posted on that one page. Seems to apply here as well. I'd hate to think they're competing projects trying to undercut any potential competition (past or future) or worse - they're kids trying to get a legitimate rise out of someone.

So yeah, small base of support for a low budget (or near-no budget) film + young kid at a computer = flaming posts that spew vile anger in a very petty way

"You've shown your quality sir. The very highest."


I know I'm kinda late to the game, but this looks very interesting and has sparked a lot of debate (sounds like unfair criticism, seeing what the budget/resources were.) the original production co's website has been shut down, and it's not listed on amazon or half.com. where can I get a hold of this (even if juat to view) now, in 2015?


spell check?
