Kind of Camera?

I forgot what kind they said the camera was.
When the boy and the museum lady first meet, he shows her his camera, and she said kind of camera it was. It started with the letter L.. or maybe an I...? If anyone could tell me what the name was, I would greatly appreciate it!

Rest in Peace Heath Andrew Ledger
April 4, 1979 - January 22 2008


I was regretting I couldn't remember the brand either, even though I heard it within the past hour--but then I found the brand *Leica* mentioned in one of the comments/reviews on this board! Hope that helps.


OH GREAT!! Thank you sooo much!

Rest in Peace Heath Andrew Ledger
April 4, 1979 - January 22 2008


The camera was a Leica from Germany. I believe it is a classic Leica M3 from the mid 50's.
