Why did Ro ..... SPOILER

Why did Ro specifically target Hill? She wasn't a suspect for the murder of the woman who was blackmailing her so I don't get why she had to target someone.

Just because he was the easiest target i.e. the emails doesn't mean she had to do it. Didn't Miles mention something that they thought a serial killer had targeted the victim?

If the police thought she was a suspect I could guess why she would try to frame someone else but this wasn't the case.


Maybe he reminded her of her dad/stepdad?


If I recall correctly, she had recently quit her job after they pulled the big story in the beginning of the movie that she and Miles believed would have earned them recognition in journalism-scandalous one but you get the idea. Then Grace shows up and tells her about Harrison Hill and hints on the ol' blackmail and Ro finally decides that she can have everything that she ever wanted. Kill two birds with one stone.


Grace had dark shades. She was blackmailing Hill too, that she would expose him to his wife if he did not continue meeting her. And she wanted Ro to go to print with the story of Hill the big ad-man and his secret love nest. Because that was what Ro did - She wrote daring stories. The details Grace gave her, set the premise for something Ro could hold against Hill. She could make it look as if Hill did away with Grace because of the blackmail. She's a journalist, hence she was good at research. Some look at Hill's company, and she found his wife connected to the extensive use of the poison in a photography studio - Series on dilated eyes. Which would mean Hill had access to the poison. Ro used this premise to frame Hill. She needed to frame someone. At the very end, when she's showing the 'chat' with Hill to the cop, she establishes the fact that Hill chased women...And Grace's blackmail would seem as if Hill had motive to do away with her. If Grace went to his wife, he loses all the money and would end up with a nasty lawsuit. It would have left him bankrupt. Ro put everything together. She was just good at investigative reporting, hence.



"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


She set him up!!!!

"Peace and love"


@ Posh_babe
"She wasn't a suspect for the murder of the woman who was blackmailing her"

Neither was anyone else, for long. While that remained the case, it would only be a matter of time until Ro's name moved to the top of the police 'next to probe in depth' list.

Also, he was handed to her on a plate, while she was still fuming about a similar guy getting her original story pulled. So, he was also someone to lash out at, expose, and 'show them all'.
