Didn't like it

Probably because there's too much cgi and an obviously fake baby



There is minimal CGI, the pale man and the faun were all actually there as costumes worn by Doug Jones, CGI was only used to change the shape of their legs. Even the frog wasn't entirely CGI.

Fake baby- piss off

Even if it did have too much CGI that wouldn't have ruined the phenomenal story and emotion of the film.


Pans Labyrinth (and Guillermo Del Toro) is actually famous for using minimal cgi I pity the fool who thinks that faun is digital


I would have been put off the film if there had been too much OTT CGI. But I found those parts in this film acceptable. I murmured "Oh no" when I first saw the grasshopper? thing that later turned into a fairy. But no. I settled into the film. I thought the Faun was a great CGI character. If only CGI was tempered down like this in other films.


I thought the Faun was a great CGI character.

You thought the Faun was CGI? No, a real actor in full prosthetics - only the legs were CGI.


I'm sorry that everything wasn't wrapped up in a little bow for you.

Then you blame it on non existant CGI like a 12 year old. Good for you.

"It would be extremely painful...for you."


There wasn't that much CGI. What are you talking about?
