please help

rockstar icon locations needed please

Martial Arts VS Modern Arts



i dont know why you havent got the rims. the optional races are only if you desperatley need money, but the other races are to hard. have you finished all the club races, because you unlock more rims for certain vehicles by doing this. if this doesn't help then get back to me.

thanks about the logos but i found the Xbox maps and they worked fine.

cheers anyway

Martial Arts VS Modern Arts


lower tire profile the third eye


u can't put full size rims because the ride height, tires or rims don;t let u change it. try changing some of them, c if it helps


I put this on another thread, but no 1 is responding, so... I'll have to put this one again.

I seem to have a good car and all,
and on the auto upgrade, all my car's parts are up to LEVEL 2.
This is how high about half the parts can go up to.
But the other half can get up to 3
But I can't seem to enhance those parts to LEVEL 3.
Can any1 help?

Compliments of The_Chef
