Anyone Know Whats Next?

so ya does anybody have any info on whats going to be the next M.C. game? this cant be the last game cuz its too big of a franchise.


Midnight Club 3 REMIX is out now. That's kinda the net one. I haven't heard of Midnight Club 4. For now, we can only dream.



yea i hope they make a new one
it was suck a great game
all of them were
except i didnt like the first
but i think rockstar is gnna keep goin with the gta's
but lets hop 4 a m.c 4


my guess is that the MC3 remix is whats keeping us busy until the fourth one..adding like twenty new cars and races, and the tokyo challenge. theres a lot of gameplay and customization. but for now rockstar is working on gta4..which should be about done..cant wait for that one. but a 360/ps3 version of midnight club would be SICK. and one for all the other consoles would be great cause not everyone has the newest consoles. i beat MC3 when it first came out and i bought remix over the 2006 summer, and kinda forgot about it. then i found it again two days ago..havent stopped playing since. so addictive. just beat the big playas race tournament=]


their comeing out with a midnight club los angeles in early 2008
