Similar plot to...

Im pretty sure this is almost an identical plot to one of the "from dusk til dawn" movies...


Except it's them robbing a bank and it's more zombies than vampires.


And quite frankly it's a much better movie than from dusk til dawn 2. I liked the characters and the dialogue was good, the acting was good, the zombies looked good. It was quite an enjoyable film.


Dusk Til Dawn Texas Blood Money is way lot better then this so called zombie movie.


You must have loved the stupid remake of Dawn Of The Dead too very sad.


Look up gangs of the dead. It's also a brother in peril movie where a meteor brings the zombie plague to LA. Two gangs fighting over money or something. Lots of yelling, gun waving, people trying to be in charge.

Build a man a fire, he'll be warm a day Light a man on fire he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Wow, I want your dealer's

It's always better to fart in the toilet than to poop in your pants!
