MovieChat Forums > Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life (2005) Discussion > I'm so glad Michael Phelps never looked ...

I'm so glad Michael Phelps never looked at porn

Then he would never get those 8 gold medals


lol, yea, I thought it was pretty stupid how the movie was trying to say looking at porn can cause you to be bad at sports.

Actually I'm surprised a movie like this was made in 2005.

(my sig)Dictionary definition of Saw 6- The best saw movie since the first saw.


The funny thing is that watching porn can improve a hockey player's "stick handling skills!" Get it!


(my sig)Dictionary definition of Saw 6- The best saw movie since the first saw.


I wish I had been there for the board meetings on writing and conceiving this movie. I can only imagine the stiffs (no pun intended) sitting around grumpily discussing how porn is destroying the youth of America (or the world, whatever).

I haven't seen this movie yet, but get the gist of it from the summary. Whenever 'special interest' movies like these come out, I love to think about the idealistic conservative possibly heavily religious group of people involved in the making of the film that feel so passionate about their stance that they go to sometimes totally unrealistic extremes to show viewers their views of things like porn, masturbation, pre-marital sex, etc...

I'm all for free speech and all, but come on now..... just think about the millions and millions of young kids/adults across the world that look at porn on a regular basis (as every 5 year old has a Mac w/ internet access these days) that are living completely normal lives.

I will admit however that there definitely are people out there, many involved in Sex-a-holics groups of the AA sort, who truly do feel they have a destructive fixation on porn and sex and the like, so maybe this movie was just trying to get the idea across that, although many (if not most) young people will end up looking at porn at some point in their lives, it could become a problem for a select few.

OK, that's enough ranting.

P.S. This may sound bad to ask, but its only for the sake of curiosity, is there any actually on-screen chicken choking, or is it just implied through the context?



lol what an intense life. MMM WOMEN ONLINE LOVE MY SWEET TALK. WHERE'S MY BOOZE?! Ahh my energy drinks....THEY SATISFY ME, but not as much as my naked internet friends. >:-)-+-^<
