WTF? Spoliers

How can JBL have YET another shot at the World Championship he is now officially Smackdowns HHH. At Smackdowns taping HHH (sorry I mean JBL) came out and said his contract states he has a rematch in his contract against Batista for the World championship so he deserves to be the number1 contender and not Taker so tha playa (Long) came out and made a number 1 contender match (didnt they already have one of those at the GBA?) between HHH (sorry JBL) against Taker. And HHH (sorry JBL) pinned Taker after Orton hit him with the RKO.

So for Summerslam its HHH VS Batista 5

Well perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove.


He's a replacement for Muhammad Hassan. Hassan (apparently) was meant to defeat Undertaker at GAB and advance to face Batista at SS, but he had to be pulled because the media is a big bunch of pussies. Since Taker was never meant to be in the SS main event match anyway (it looks like he was meant for a grudge match with Orton the whole time), they had to find some way to get him out of it. It's likely the booking of JBL/Batista at the GAB was also changed to accomodate this, and the match that will happen at SS is the match that was meant to happen at GAB. Which is Batista winning clean. Go figure.

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So why make the match at GBA with Hassan and Taker a number contender 1 match in the first place? If all the hype between UPN telling WWE they didnt want Hassan on there network never happened then they could have had Hassan beat Taker anyway and have Hassan come out on Smackdown and say he has just beaten the indestructable Taker so he wants a match against Batista at Summerslam. As it is WWE has totally put a match on a PPV which really meant nothing. I know that Taker and Orton were due to wrestle each other again at Summersalm but why didnt they just wait Summerslam and then have Orton interfere in that match and cost Taker the title (because I dont think Orton will be 100% at Summerslam) and have Orton against Taker at the next Smacdown PPV.

Whats going to happen know is Lesner is going to interfere in the Batista vs JBH match and set up a Lesner Batista fued.

By the way I agree about the media.

Well perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove.


Well, Hassan vs. Taker at the GAB was a #1 contender's match before all the controversy erupted. It would have been quite weak in kayfabe to retract this stipulation, especially as it would affect someone as over as Taker. The plans for an Orton/Taker grudge match (it just seems that way to me - and Summerslam is close to the early end of his expected return) keep Taker from the title match. So someone had to replace Hassan, and an over main-event heel is not a bad choice. If this match is indeed a single when Summerslam rolls around, I guarantee Batista will retain. Bradshaw may win another title sometime, but not for 2-3 years.

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Im sorry Trombone I didnt know it was a number 1 contender match before all the controversy. But why do WWE go with a match which will proably send people to sleep like JBL and Batista again and not have a fatal four way between Batista JBL Taker and Orton (im sure that would draw more) although most "journalists" would disagree. Im just sick of JBl getting all the title chances why not give Booker or Christian a cahance.

Please excuse my spelling mistakes and grammar as ima bit tipsy

Well perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove.


I agree. A multi-man match would have been better. I figured all along that the match would be Batista vs. Undertaker vs. Orton, so throwing in JBL (or not) really wouldn't have been that hard. Hopefully, JBL/Batista II will be better than it was at GAB; it would almost have to be.

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