MovieChat Forums > Squidbillies (2005) Discussion > Thoughts from a Hillbilly

Thoughts from a Hillbilly

==Please don't make the mistake of thinking Squidbillies became a hit because of absurdity alone. The show is funny because the dialogue both abstract AND clever.

--Do not, for an instant, underestimate the importance of Unknown Hinson; Daniel McDevitt and Charles Napier. Dana Snyder should be used sparingly, as the less Granny the better. A couple of throwaway Granny lines = funny; too many oversexed Granny jokes = lazy writers who are imitating themselves (SNL).

--The first season was hilarious because it was a cartoon about white trash hillbillies from North Georgia using puppets. If you cave to liberals who fear they'll piss someone off, then you're not doing a cartoon about white trash hillbillies anymore. The characters are funny because they're white trash. The moment you try to have the characters do anything other than white trash humor, your eye's off the ball.

--Here's a hint: "Where will I be in five beers?"
"Years, Early ..."
"Oh, years ... jail"
"You can't say jail, Early ..."
"Okay ... Prison"

Gentlemen ... that's funny.

The first two episodes of season two ... not funny.

More than one line from Granny an episode ... not funny.
Carrying the Patrick Swayze joke for 15 minutes without clever dialogue ...
not funny.
The hats? Hilarious.
The timing and dialogue in the first season? Brilliant.

Jesus jokes? Only funny to non-Christian liberals. When in doubt, don't.
That being said, the moment you emit a whiff of political correctness, you fall on your face.
Find the writers from the previous season and hire 'em back. Ground the episodes a bit more. Bring the original theme song back (think Monk). Stick with the white trash Three Stooges, make them as racially and culturally offensive as you did in season one and you'll be funny again. That is, unless you're skeered.


My thoughts exactly.I waited impatiently to see the new season cuz I figured it was gunna rock like the first season, but so far I am miserably unimpressed, and I will laugh at anything!!! I knew there was a problem brewing when the theme song changed on the first episode and every one of the others, so far.
If possible, let's regroup and do the damn thing right this time!!! PLEASE!!!!


I just saw the third show in season two of "Squidbillies": Kick-Ass Speakers and I couldn't resist adding to my previous post. Outstanding, gentlemen! Bull's-eye. Excellent writing, timing and performances by Unknown Hinson, Daniel McDevitt and Charles Napier. Dana had the right number of lines; the take on organized religion was clever but not offensive; the "Jesus jokes" were funny but not ridiculing: All in all, it was an episode WELL worthy of season one. Thank you!

"Beep ... beep...beep ... That's what it would sound like if we had health insurance"

reply, is charles napier still with the show?


So far season two has been great. It hasnt produced a clunker yet (which you can't say about season one). And more granny = more awesome. They acting on this show is so great. Half the laughs come from how granny early deliver their mindless monologues.



WRONG! this show sucks balls. non-christian liberals? you're nothing but an idiotic white trash, bush supporting, war mongering redneck, republican moron.


That's me.


I'm not a hillbilly but I find this show hilarious. Better than that piece of crap metalocalpse.


You can only hate Metalocalypse if you're a fan of country, which is just a bunch of rednecks talking about crap that nobody cares about.


Don't knock Metalocolypse. Like Squidbillies, it parodies a given lifestyle/culture.

"Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos."


Anyone that can't even spell their own screen name .... well, what can you say?

It apparently really gets under some people's skin when they aren't sophisticated enough to understand the humor. Or find the CAP key, either, for that matter.


Sophisticated? I doubt you even know what that word means.


More wisdom from the knee-jerk Commie puke who assumes anyone who disagrees with his childish commentary must vote for the other side.

One hesitates to elevate his drivel to "commentary" since thus far it doesn't reach beyond the "pee-pee doo-doo-head" level one expects from prepubescent boys. "Sucks balls" does so enrich discussion of artistic merit, he thinks.

When he gets old enough to vote ... God help the Republic ... at least we know he'll drop the lever for any left-wing welfare pimp with a "D" behind his name, but we can only wonder whether he'll find something more emotionally satisfying than bouncing from thread to thread telling people who don't care that he doesn't like a certain program. For reasons he can't seem to articulate.

Just shows what a mistake they made when they thought allowing everyone to vote was a good idea.

We wait with bated breath (yeah, check the spelling, *beep* for your next fancy comeback.


Astounding words of wisdom, from an obvious bush supporter.



I live in Kentucky, and I live very close to people just like these squids, so I think its a very funny show.


Granted, they made their bones on strictly hillbilly, white-trash humor, but it's going to be hard to stay fresh unless they can wander off the plantation now and then. As long at it's funny, I don't mind a diversion. Even though the Simpsons stray into a thousand other categories, they still keep Homer and Marge (to a lesser extent) as white trash, though with a decent paycheck. Squidbillies had better find ways to stray a bit, or get used to stale jokes and an early jumping of the shark. If the writers have any class, when they feel "stale" coming on they'll have an episode where Early water-skis and loses a few tentacles to a lurking shark ....

Nothing wrong with Jesus jokes as long as they don't get tired or irrelevant. Religion (or at least the pretense thereof) is a big part of the white trash experience and is fair game.

My father grew up in Kentucky as a dirt-poor sharecropper in the 30s, but the Marines in WW2 got him out of there; he busted his hump to get us the education he didn't have, but the hillbilly roots are still there.

There is one very significant thing that separates Southern poor whites (not always trash) from most other minorities: we can laugh at ourselves and not sh** our drawers over jibes based on our foibles and culture. I often wonder why that is ... some inherent superiority of white Southern culture over other minority cultures? Seems an easy answer, but I suspect it has to do with never having a bunch of phony-ass politicians and lawyer-filled associations to explain why we should be defensive, or offended, and generally just learning to shift for ourselves in the world instead of figuring the world owes us a comfortable living.

Being forced to be self-reliant and independent does have its advantages, and one of them seems to be retaining a healthy sense of humor.


Smokekill you are retarded. Southern poor whites just laugh off any thing they find offensive and aimed at them right? Give me a break, what do you think it is when radical southern christians go after gay people because they do not fit in with the norm? Or how about constantly complaining about how there is no "White Entertainment Television." Sure lots of southern whites are good at laughing at themselves but many are not.

Another reason that whites might be quick to laugh off stereotypes and things like that is because we've basically run the whole damn world for hundreds of years. It's easy to laugh stuff off when you are the majority. And what the hell do you mean "inherent superiority of white southern culture over other minority cultures"? That is the stupidest thing I've heard all day. Southern culture is great in a lot of ways but how is it at all better than any other culture? I'm pretty sure southern cultured is littered with racism, christian zealotry, close minded-ness, sexual repression, and plenty of other "foibles" that make it no better than any other culture.

Finally, I know you like to believe that you and all your southern white friends roll with the punches unlike those "angry blacks" or "radical muslims" but I'm sure that isn't quite true. If you really believe southern whites always roll with the punches better than anyone you should get your head examined. Take the guy who started this topic for instance. He was all "It needs to be more politically incorrect cause the show shouldn't be so worried about pleasing those political correctness loving liberals etc" and then he proceeded to put his foot in his mouth and make a hypocrit of himself. How is he going to ask for political incorrectness then go "except for the God jokes, those aren't funny and they only make secular liberals laugh." Isn't taking out God jokes because of religions conservatives political correctness?

You two conservative, bible thumping, self righteous morons are the kind of people that justified manifest destiny with religion, thought segregation was fair, and demand a "White Entertainment Television" because it isn't fair that there is a channel that plays all that *beep* music"... you know, because 70% of television characters being white isn't enough. You believe in political incorrectness when it benefits you and doesn't strike a nerve. It's easy to laugh off Early's stereotypical southern hick accent and stupidity, but God gets mocked and then its suddenly not cool. Now I know you're just gonna chalk what I'm saying up to liberal nonsense, but you should really consider what I'm saying here. If you weren't blinded by the subtle racism and self righteousness that exists deep inside both of you, you could see that my critique of you two is the simple truth.


I’m retarded? You’re the idiot that just assumed I was some poor Southern Bible-thumper. I was born and raised in Washington State, got my Engineering degree at MIT & my MS in History at UMass, neither exactly a cornpone Bible college. I never saw the South until I was in the Army, and was the first soldier ever to force the Army to put “Atheist” on my dog tags, which probably limits my invitations to Falwell’s cocktail parties. However, having done postgrad work at UVa in Charlottesville, lived in 8 different States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Pacific Rim, I’ve gotten more exposure to more cultures – including Southern -- than the average bear.

I identify with poor Southern culture, even though some of my Thoroughbreds cost more than most peoples’ new cars, since I was raised by Southern parents, even up North, and retired to Virginia to raise horses and rescue dogs. Doing well doesn’t erase the roots.

The comment about the superiority of Southern culture was obviously hyperbole, as most should have figured out, but the point is accurate: it’s far more self-reliant and independent than any of the usual whining minority groups who never saw a welfare program or government program they wouldn’t line up for. It was true for both rural Southern whites AND Blacks, though in recent years the welfare mentality has leeched out of the cities and into the rural South, unfortunately.

It’s interesting that you claim Southern whites are racist religious zealots, sexually repressed and narrow-minded – without even recognizing the idiotic stereotype you’re perpetuating. Every culture has its peculiarities, but Southerners – even poor ones – are the best source of hillbilly jokes and the biggest consumers of Foxworthy’s redneck humor. Try bouncing a stereotypical joke into a Black, or Jewish, or Muslim audience and see how far their sense of humor extends. Or try to find some other minority group that doesn’t have a pack of well-paid organizations and “spokesmen” trying to pick the taxpayer’s pocket, or scream "foul" to the media at every opportunity. Or are you trying to sell us on the idea that poor Southern whites are so well off that they neither need nor want government programs. Maybe those are the guys you think have been running the world “for hundreds of years.” You're obviously confused enough by thinking that most Southern conservatives are Falwell 'droids.

Let me guess – your total exposure to the rural South comes from TV and some bumper stickers you’ve seen.

As you’ve demonstrated, you self-righteous left-wing flakes are so stuck with your own stereotypes that you just assume everyone else is as bigoted and phony as you are. You have the gall to refer to “subtle racism” in a group you only know through television stereotypes, but overlook your own gutless avoidance of offending your pet minority groups. You’ll rip on Christians at the drop of a hat – just like I will – but you (or at least the vast majority of socialist idiots, for whom you’ve volunteered to speak, apparently) get your panties all in a bunch if anyone goes after the truly hilarious “religions,” like Wicca or Gaia-worship, or the most ridiculous of all, Islam – though Scientology comes in a close second.

I find Squidbillies one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen, as do most of the Southerners I know who’ve seen it (both well-off and not). We know that not every Southerner is like that, but we’ve all known those who were, or heard of them, and it's funny sh**. If you can’t laugh at your culture, there’s something wrong with you. Or the culture. Just for fun, though, try to imagine the reaction if you changed the stereotypes and the squids were in blackface, drawing welfare, shootin’ dice, stealin’ chickens, in AMos & Andy accents …. or if they had Spanish accents, handlebar mustaches, sneaked across the Rio Grande, had gang tats, and drank Tequila all day. Like I said, some cultures have a sense of humor ….

None of this will make a dent in your closed liberal viewpoint, of course, but strictly for the benefit of anyone else who may read this thread and actually have an open mind, I figured I could blow a few minutes to point out your more obvious absurdities.




Moral Orel mocks the hypocrisy and excess of Christianity by taking it to absurd lengths (while never displaying anything other than good intentions).

Squidbillies mocks the hypocrisy and excess of Christianity by having Jesus refuse to take any part in it.

I think Squidbillies may seem a bit biting? mean? first, you're right, when you really get down to it Moral Orel is like punch to the face in its religious criticism, while Squidbillies is a shove.


Smokekill you are retarded. Southern poor whites just laugh off any thing they find offensive and aimed at them right? Give me a break, what do you think it is when radical southern christians go after gay people because they do not fit in with the norm? Or how about constantly complaining about how there is no "White Entertainment Television." Sure lots of southern whites are good at laughing at themselves but many are not.

Another reason that whites might be quick to laugh off stereotypes and things like that is because we've basically run the whole damn world for hundreds of years. It's easy to laugh stuff off when you are the majority. And what the hell do you mean "inherent superiority of white southern culture over other minority cultures"? That is the stupidest thing I've heard all day. Southern culture is great in a lot of ways but how is it at all better than any other culture? I'm pretty sure southern cultured is littered with racism, christian zealotry, close minded-ness, sexual repression, and plenty of other "foibles" that make it no better than any other culture.

Finally, I know you like to believe that you and all your southern white friends roll with the punches unlike those "angry blacks" or "radical muslims" but I'm sure that isn't quite true. If you really believe southern whites always roll with the punches better than anyone you should get your head examined. Take the guy who started this topic for instance. He was all "It needs to be more politically incorrect cause the show shouldn't be so worried about pleasing those political correctness loving liberals etc" and then he proceeded to put his foot in his mouth and make a hypocrit of himself. How is he going to ask for political incorrectness then go "except for the God jokes, those aren't funny and they only make secular liberals laugh." Isn't taking out God jokes because of religions conservatives political correctness?

You two conservative, bible thumping, self righteous morons are the kind of people that justified manifest destiny with religion, thought segregation was fair, and demand a "White Entertainment Television" because it isn't fair that there is a channel that plays all that *beep* music"... you know, because 70% of television characters being white isn't enough. You believe in political incorrectness when it benefits you and doesn't strike a nerve. It's easy to laugh off Early's stereotypical southern hick accent and stupidity, but God gets mocked and then its suddenly not cool. Now I know you're just gonna chalk what I'm saying up to liberal nonsense, but you should really consider what I'm saying here. If you weren't blinded by the subtle racism and self righteousness that exists deep inside both of you, you could see that my critique of you two is the simple truth.


I know it's confusing for you types, but try to pay attention and just post once.
See my reply above, to the first time you posted this.


people should not be offended by a celebration of the white trash experience.


Right. Squidbillies looks pretty funny from here in the Blue Ridge foothills.

Too bad some of the other minority groups can't grow up and get a sense of ****ing humor about their culture.


Yeah, Whore kin i gets a giant foam dick hat?



No, Elvis died for your sins. Lenny was just a Yankee Jew Libral Hippie. Don't never fergit it! Whars them damn foam dickhats at! PS I'm Swazie crazie he da' trukin man!


Prolly from dat big dee-partment store in the Memphis Mall ... you know, the one owned by the Jews.

Or maybe from that A-rab that owns the T-shirt store next door.


do they got ate arm wholes?


Racist and anti-semetic, you're a credit to your race son.

