Save Love Monkey

Sign the petiton - It's the only GREAT show on CBS.

Why does every shwo for people under 40 get cancelled.


Thanks for the link! I signed! Show some love people, we're at 420 and we need 10,000.....


I signed it, but I think they were shooting for 100,000.



Please, please, please, everyone sign it!!! I love this show!!!!!!!!!!


I signed it. And it's up to 1,154 now. Did anyone else notice when it was created/the description???

Maybe VH1 should pick it up. It's not like they only have experience in airing music videos.


not only sign the petition you all but go to and write feedback to the guys at CBS saying how much you love the show, this will catch their attention quicker than this petition.


There are plenty of shows that had a much bigger and loyal audience than this. Given the fact that it's hard to find anyone that has even heard of the show, a petition is pointless.


Signed the petition, but its not getting out there...its at 1640.


You seemed to find the show easily enough.


I've signed it. They can't cancel this show. It's the only show I can watch, and I really enjoy it. We need a break from dead bodies, and shows so horribly unfunny that they need a laughtrack to tell us that something "humourous" has just happened.

We want Love Monkey!


not only should everyone sign these petitions, which they should and I have, they should also vote for it at! it will further the out cry of this show I think?

I hope this show stays on the air, it's so good!

Ya Diggs? Sho Nuff! By Any Means Necessary.


Like a previous poster stated, go to, scroll down click on feedback


Love Monkey is a FANTASTIC show on the music record label industry!! We are 49 yrs. old and 53 years old and we and NUMEROUS friends of ours WAIT for this show every week to be on the air!!!!!! My husband is part owner of a record label company and absolutely LOVES this show......

PLEASE, PLEASE do NOT get rid of this show!!!


Love Monkey is a FANTASTIC show on the music record label industry!! We are 49 yrs. old and 53 years old and we and NUMEROUS friends of ours WAIT for this show every week to be on the air!!!!!! My husband is part owner of a record label company and absolutely LOVES this show......

PLEASE, PLEASE do NOT get rid of this show!!!


I was so sad to read that this show has been put on indefinite hiatus. This is such a fantastic show with an amazing cast. I am very upset with CBS. They didn't even give the show a chance. I wish there was some way to keep the show on the air. They never even aired the episode with Aimee Mann (it was the preview we saw at the end of the 2/6 episode). I am so upset. This is definitely the best show on TV right now. I love Tom Cavanagh, and I was so happy to see him in this new show. I'm going to sign the petition right now, and I'm also sending CBS a nasty email. :(


CBS makes themselves look stupid by pumping up this show for weeks and then pulling it after three episodes, as if they have no confidence in what they are doing.


I signed it, it was a great show, only caught 2 episodes, but I was locked!

CBS- come on now.... how much have you spent on the advertising just for this show? Cost of casting and production!!! you jump out now you lose more than if you continue!!! take your shot, dont blow it.


