MovieChat Forums > Love Monkey (2006) Discussion > The show is 'almost' back!

The show is 'almost' back!

UPN is in discussions to acquire the show from CBS, hopefully it will all work out!


This would be sweet.


Okay...Its saturday now, any news? Sorry...Im just a bit inpatient...

anyways, sounds cool, if it will happen...



Sadly it was....But im sure you know what i mean...?


looks like talks have occured but who knows what going to happen........


Oh Please Please Please...Come Back....This show could be the next Veronica Mars....UPN Please Save the day....This show should go to a Network that stands behind their show's and doesn't boot them the second they feel it's not living up to it's potential or whatever B.S. They decided on!~!


Don't the same people own CBS & UPN?? And isn't UPN becoming CW?


Love Monkey better come back on, nobody gave it a chance. 3 episodes isn't nearly enough to tell if you like a show or not. I think the way they developed the characters was amazing. I could see if after he got fired from that big label and created his own, they could call it predictable. That would have been too self-centered, but they don't just focus on Tom and make him out to be some superman tv star. I don't know if I'm making any sense and if I'm just babbling on. I just think CBS made a huge mistake and who ever picks this show up is going to be golden. This is a unique show with an awesome plot, I can't wait to see what's becoming of this show. Somebody do something, please!!!!!


Its the wb that is merging with upn, not cbs


UPN and CBS are both currently part of Viacom.


UPN and CBS are both currently part of Viacom.

no they are both part of CBS corp


Unfortunately, UPN went the way of "Love Monkey".


it's like Americans all like their crap CSI/stereotypical BS series, and never watch anything new.

BTW the Soprano's over in my country was a big fat flop and i feel proud about that.


Not exactly good news, though not completely bad either..

COMMUNITY SERVICE (NBC) - Jay Mohr ("Last Comic Standing") and Christopher Wiehl (Jake Dunne on "Love Monkey") are the first to be cast in the comedy pilot, about a big city stockbroker who steps out of rehab and decides to travel to his small Ohio hometown to win back his ex-girlfriend. Mohr will play the lead role in the NBC Universal Television-based half-hour, with Wiehl as a town cop (and local football hero) who arrests him, forcing him to stay in town to perform community service. Wiehl's involvement however is in second position to his duties on the currently hiatused CBS drama.


You can vote...don't know that it will count, but the Big Wigs may see that there are a few of us who aren't just monkeying around. We SERIOUSLY need this show. Course, if they change the name it might sound a little less risque and therefore, there may be more viewers interested. I was really looking forward to them discovering more talented artist. I've been really diggin' Terry Geiger's stuff.

Anyway...go vote!;
If that doesn't work...go to Under TV Dramas, look for "If you could save one show..."

Keep the LOVE alive!


This show is the best thing I've seen on TV in years.I am an aspiring A&R rep. This show is my bible! BRING IT BACK PLEASE!!


Yes, Bring it back!!!


I am an aspiring A&R rep.
Considering the effect that file sharing is having on music sales, there may not be a music business to work in by the time you're ready for a job.

Browse existing threads before starting a new one.


everyone in the music industry will tell you that, even though 80% of the people end up buying the music...

piracy never killed the industry just a lack in good choices killed the industry sales in the mid to late 90's, and executives like to say it's piracy instead sales sliding being their own fault which it is 80% of the time.


dang so this show was never brought back i really liked it


yes! me too! I want it back!!!!! Love this show!
