Best scenes

What does everyone think are the best scenes from the movie??
From the first segment I think it has to be the guy playing with the kitty, no wonder she fell for him there and then!
In the second story, I thought it was too cute the way Tacchan rolled over to the girl after they've had the paint fight and landed on the floor, he did it just like a little kid!
And in the final story I found the girl getting her hair straightened by her mother really moving for some reason. I think it's the way she's looking at him polishing his cycle and not realising that she had done it all for him. Also, when she ran home in the rain and took his shirt off the washing line.



especially when tecchan breaks into japanese and gets irritated and grunts, 'quiet!'


the scene when Tecchan tries to explain to the girl what the boyfriend said, and she can't understand. so much emotion there.


i love the ending of the shanghai one... the moment he realised what the spanish word really meant was soooooo touching....


part 2, when they begin to dance after the paint-fight!
made me laugh out loud!


I didnt like the dance seen but I love the part when he was trying to tell the girl what her ex-bf was saying 'kan chi kan ka ya' HAHAHHA
