RoadHouse influence

I would like to believe that the director gentleman was high on adrenaline elicited by Fight Club "the original."
He also happened to watch Road House, a Patrick swayze movie.
And voila.,,, a story happened
sohail plays patrick the bouncer in the movie, and the heroine in Roadhouse happens to be a doctor, the other lead actress is a singer at the bar.
too much of a coincidence- btw.

The first part of the hindi fight club is from second act of the original Fight club. The second part of this drivel is from Roadhouse.
See, it adds up to 3 hours run time.

Mix n match, shades of influene.
i could be wrong, but, I wouldnt put it beyond most hindi cinema makers.
Poor screenwriters like us end up writing drivel on the internet.
WHile the DVD hounds in bombay are making movies.


<<.. the stories that are easiest to write are the hardest to read ..>>
