wtf was that?

well, im dissapointed.
why are they using such *beep* cameras? the ones they were using worked perfectly.


OMG i came on just to say the same thing!!!! How poor was it? Seriously, the lighting was really really crap and looked so low budget i was slightly disgusted. The writing was lame too, and Bec was bad. I spent most of the time saying "why is it like this?"

Oh my gosh, did anyone catch that whole "eyeing up each other" thing at the end? I thought they were flirting or something- But they weren't!!! Well they weren't supposed to. I started laughing when the camera panned to the two guys looking at each other and i was like "do they like each other?" And then they continued with the other teens and then i realised what they were trying to convey. Woah, it was so- crap.


I thought the same thing! im like are these guys gay or something?

and what is with this chinese guy what did they do with simmo!

as well as the bad cameras i thought i was watching that lame shw that was on just before

seriously disappointing!


yep it waan't as great as i thought it would be. it is missing simmo and fly. the girls are hot though


glad im not the only one who is dissapointed. and i agree with everything that you guys said.

-poor cameras and camera work, looked cheap and tacky, which turned me off bigtime.
-cheesy dialogue.
-half decent plot, but poor compared to previous series.
-the whole time i watched i kept thinking that it was a british show, know idea why.
-characters seem to be boring and cliched/cheesy as *beep*.

but, as said above, at least the girls were hot.


Only the in surf cameras are the same.

Two possibilities,

1. It took them months to get a green light for season 3 so maybe part of the agreement was a tiny budget.

2. They're could actually be using HI-DEF cameras which when not excellently lit look like absolute dark rubbish.

I also imagine it's a new director, much more amateur.

This show had something going fot it because of it's high quality and somewhat decent casting... that's changed drastically0 on both terms.

Don't expect a season 4 that's for sure, this is the Batman & Robin of Blue Water High... the axe will soon drop.


I absolutely agree.
The show is terrible now.
The actors, the script, the camera work.....everything!
Sadly, I don't think I'll keep watching the series.


i'll still watch...just to laugh


Its sad, i liked the first seasons, but this..THIS IS RUBBISH>
It feels so neighbours ahah.
The acting is....bad...really bad, the actors dont have any charm of charisma.
The script is boring, so many useless lines, delivered in a bland mind numbing fashion...seriously disappointed.

Now way man No way im wearing a wire!


So the show hasn't changed much from the pilot of the third series? I keep missing it (which may not be a bad thing actually) and haven't watched any of it since the first episode.

Does it still look and sound low budget?



hey are you guys australian?
if so when is it on, i havnt been able to see it yet.


they have gone from using film to digital, it saves a heap of money, which the abc doesnt have, as for the directing, they usually get a few different guys over the course of the series, so hopefully that will change, though im sure the general look wont, as they tend to keep the same director of photography.


They've gone digital and unfortunately for them it looks completely foul the way they are using it.

As for the actors, I can't honestly say they are bad seeing as Bec is there and she comes across awful too which she hasnt in previous seasons so it looks like poor writing, poor directing and revolting use of digital combining to make this near unwatchable.



I've watched all the seasons and just yesterday I saw an episode from the third season and the camera was TERRIBLE! The story was BORING! So disappointed!



no this is the worst season, the acting is so bad its embarassing, the characters have no charm and it looks like it was made on a budget of 10 cents.
Season 1 and 2 were the best, this is a pile of sh!t.

Now way man No way im wearing a wire!
