
My day usually starts around noon. I smoke me a joint and go ride around in my car. I smoke weed to calm my brain nerves down.

Are these people for real?

This country needs an enima.


It's the lifestyle and cycle they are caught in. How can you be positive when you have too much negative influences all around you. You become a product of your enviroment after awhile. I'm not justifying it, but I can understand why it is like it is.


I always thought our world was what we made it. These people brag about the drugs they sell/use and how they kill people without any remorse. They make their world a living hell by doing all this bull sh i t gangsta crap. Then they come back around and b i t c h about how *beep* up their neighborhood is. Like it is someone else's fault. I guess the idea of working hard and actually earning somthing is just asking too much. But I understand your point. There will always be areas where the poorest, most uneducated people will live.


You don't understand, this is how they were raised. This was all they knew, so of course they are gonna strive to gun down as many people as possible, it's what they saw, it's what they were taught.

"If we were made in his image than call us by our names. Most intellects do not believe in God but they fear us just the same." - Erykah Badu


I think LACK of raising would be more fitting. If that is how they like to live, fine. I just don't want to hear them complaining that all of their problems are someone elses fault or try to justify why they do the things they do.


all of black americas problems come from white america

how do you not get that?

people dont want to live like this but if its all you know, its your home, its your friends, your family, your every day life, how could you think of leaving? even if you wanted to leave it would be hard emotionally even if it were an option for most people, because its just not realistic for most families. your parents work paycheck to paycheck while trying to raise you, then you come of age and start dealin drugs bringin more money into the house what would they say? what could they say? you live in a place where your family turns from the people you grew up with, to the people who hook you up with the dope your sellin. and what kind of legit job could you possibly get growin up in a project? the government has built you these *beep* houses far away from white america and the given you a school system that even should you graduate from high school most colleges wouldnt take you and even should you get accepted you have no money to pay for it. and money that you couldve made youself with a job dosnt exist, the job you have gets you payed cash and your only investing in survival (food) and more survival (the worthless shiny crap you buy that gets you enough respect not to get shot by members of your own crew). a REAL job that you could have saved money with just plainly dosnt exist. the only stores around you are mostly family owned/operated, no job there, and then the most prominent store in your neighborhood is the liquor store. WTF

i kinda went on a rant right there but i hope you get it just a little bit more


I'm not saying it isn't hard coming from an environment like that. I know it must be a bitch. I understand that the situation they are in was created by the whites that were IN CHARGE. I'm a 28 year old, white, male that makes 31 grand a year. I grew up poor but still managed to go to college. It was hard but I had 2 choices. Either stay poor and be miserable or do good in school and change my situation. I chose to get up and do somthing about it. I just don't see how people can't grasp that.

The people in this movie seem as if they have the same choice I had, black, white or whatever. Keep doing that stupid gangsta sh!t, stay in the hood, stay poor, and blame your problems on everyone else. Or say fvck the hood, fvck being poor and uneducated, and fvck this lifestyle. I'm going to get up and do somthing about my situation. Don't hand me that can't afford to go to college buisness. ANYONE can get loans, grants, scholarships. Like I said it's hard but It all depends on what you want.

uneducated= sh!tty life


You gotta understand though, OP. I know the other posters have said this over and over, but when you're from a very bad neighborhood, there are NO role models. Cops who should be looked at as your protection aren't there, or they are there but aren't as heroic as they are made out to be in the 'burbs. And if every day you wake up knowing you have the same chance of dying as some one does in war, it really doesn't motivate you that much to try and get out and better yourself.

I'm from a neighborhood like theirs, statistically even worse than theirs, but luckily I was able to leave it before it was too late. But if you didn't grow up around gang-members or police brutality, then I expect you not to get their motives. They're not bragging about selling drugs. They're just telling it as it is, just as you did saying how you get 31K a year. Slanging drugs in the 'hood is equivilent (sp?) to mowing lawns in the suburbs.



and somehow you are justified by complaining about them?


I think complaining about criminals commiting crimes makes more sense than criminals trying to "justify" their actions. I personally like living in a society where there are laws that "usually" serve the public's best interest and that there are consequences for breaking those laws. I don't want "them", and by "them" I mean criminals and people that don't do right in my neighborhood.
Anyway, I wish there was something that could be done to help these impoverished, crime-riddin, urban areas. I hate that people have to live as they do. I guess it's just the ugly side of a capitalist society. Those in poverty have to live somewhere. Poverty= poor education= crime and dispair. Difficult to overcome.


sounds like a nice way to kick off a day, if you ask me...and i am a white german...so the question should be...are you for real?

"I gotta kill for my dinner"


I guess getting a job and doing something productive could fit in there somewhere.

Nostalgia is just not what it used to be.
