
Early in this film, we have a scene in which a priest gently asks a young woman about her attitude to eating pork, and gets her to agree, with a smile, that it would be good if she could prove to him that she was telling the truth. We then move instantly to a scene in which she is screaming under torture.

It is worse than insensitive - it is downright disgusting - to subject viewers to such a thing. I stopped watching the torture a few seconds into it, but the little I saw (and heard), slammed at me in that way, has done permanent harm to the state of my imagination.

The makers of the film should be ashamed of themselves.


Shame. You missed out on a beautiful and deeply moving film. However I envy you if, with all that horror goeing on in the world, those few moments of violence can make so deep an impression.

"Duck, I says..."


History isn't pretty, is it?

"Hitler! C'mon, I'll buy you a glass of lemonade."


Bad art isn't pretty as well.

Listen to your enemy, for God is talking


It's insensitive, it's disgusting... and it happened. The atrocities of the Spanish Inquisition are an unfortunate but real part of History. The makers of the film did a good job portraying how horrible human beings can be to each other when influenced by ignorance and blind fanaticism.


I understand (I think) and respect your feelings, JFBENNETT.
And I agree: the seem came so suddenly, so out of the blue...
On the other hand I think this is just what the movie wanted to show us: how suddenly and out of the blue the people in those times got trapped. The young woman in all innocence agrees to find out the truth and acutally has no clue what she is agreeing to.

English is not my first language. Any corrections are welcome.


She was stripped naked for the torture it makes me wonder if that was part of some sexual thrill the torturers wanted and if torture victims were raped and sexually abused in addition to the physical damage?


"It" being the charge against an innocent your girl of being a secret Jew and put to the question?

I wonder how many people before seeing the movie would agree that "faith" would give you resistance to torture? They actually still teach the same BS in the USA Military: "Just give your name, rank, and serial number."

Then of course the girl was weak, so it was perfect to have the Priest undergo the Question as well. ALL PREISTS should undergo the question, or at least those who think faith/god will provide such strength. In fact, for a few, it does.

Look at me crooked and I too would confess to anything. Almost got me kick out of the military.....but they had spent too much money on me by then.

Silly what any Institution will try to teach and how many people will believe it.

Sounds like you should read the book instead as the visual arts make you cringe. The fault though, if one there be, is in your own stars--the film is sublime.


I agree. I only watch movies where people are never hurt, threatened, ill, sad or upset. After all, people are never hurt, threatened, ill, sad or upset in real life (unless they watch a movie where someone is hurt, threatened, ill, sad or upset), why should they be subjected to such horrors in fiction?


...on the sarcasm, but on point. Movies are a mix of business and art looking to make a statement and a profit. Different emphasis for different developers... just as a free society will provide. Nothing wrong at all in being squeamish and averting ones eyes or avoiding a particular movie/presentation. Just as nothing wrong with a presentation that is unnerving with a bite. Each may be sought out or avoided for those reasons alone.

I thought this just last night watching Spartacus on Showtime. Blood and Tits. Avoidance and attraction all in one. How bout dat?


I agree with you 110%--just because it happened doesn't mean we have to dwell on it!! Scenes of torture make me physically sick to my stomach, so like you I want a warning so I can ding that movie & watch something I do like!! I think a person has to be mentally ill to watch torture & NOT be upset by it!!
