Not really a goof but..

I recently re-watched this film and noticed something this time around. The one scene where Tiffany's number shows up on caller-ID and Jill says something like "I know it's you genius. I can see your number." Jill thinks it's a prank until the man starts speaking to her again. Shouldn't this have been a major red flag? It's obvious that some man has possession of Tiffany's phone, which should lead Jill to wonder exactly what happened to her. At the very least it would be a definite sign to get the hell out of there--FAST.



Good point but then again, Jill didn't know if he was outside either.


This is sooo late but yeah. At that point, I think she'd received one call already, the "is everything fine?" call. Then after Tiffany leaves and the pounding in the door, she gets the call and asks if it's the boyfriends friend, Cody - to which he clearly states he is not Cody. At this point she has to recognize the voice from earlier, because during the first call she wasn't sure if it was the Dr. Mandrakis guy checking up. It officially gets annoying when, after calling the cops, she brings none of that up. Doesn't even bother to call her friend back to make sure she's okay, because she know knows there is definetly someone lurking outside the house. So much drama over the kissing but she doesn't care about the friends wellbeing lol.

Obviously these are things that you have to put aside for the sake of the story (and runtime) but they're still frustrating haha.
