MovieChat Forums > The Hunting Party (2007) Discussion > So what would you call it? Liberal or co...

So what would you call it? Liberal or conservative?

Any voters?


I don't think the question is valid. I don't see how those labels apply to this particular film, because of the subject of the film. Perhaps I just don't have an answer...Sorry. I have read many of the other threads and there is so much anger and hatred regarding this film.

Human Rights: Know them, demand them, defend them.



What does it matter? and why do people feel the need to label everything either conservative or liberal?

Frankley conservative and liberal ideals these days are both f ucked up

and are you beliefs that shakable that you can be forced to question them because of a movie?!?!


I'm in the middle of watching it for the second time, but I think what it questions is the ethics around journalism, and what the professionals in that industy go through endure, and question of themselves about what to "film" what to "report" and how to frame a story; as much as they would like to remain objective and just report the facts, that is not often possible, and as result, they become affected by the work. While the events that happen in the story are political, the "story" is about the friendship of two war journlaists. For example, Dr. Zhivago takes place during a war, but the "story" is about two people in love. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, takes place during the Civil war, but the "story" is about two outcasts looking for gold.


"Anything with liberal overtones is just a waste of both my time and money."


Stupid liberal overtones...Like civil rights....freedom of/from religion....civil liberties protections....the 40 hour work week....the Voting Rights Act....the 8 hour work day....the fact that cancer-causing pesticides aren't routinely sprayed on/near our security that prevents our elderly citizens from eating cat food and dying from the cold....medicare.....the American with Disabilities taxation instead of protect-the-rich regressive regulations for the protections like Glass-Steagall (before republicans jim leach and phil gramm got a hold of it, that is)....equal pay for women.....the liberal SCOTUS judges that voted against letting corporations buy our elections and our democracy....public schooling so that all our children get a basic education, not just the rich ones (which allowed America to take it's place at the top of the global food chain).....clean water for every American....anti-trust legislation....(i could go on.....a

....And every other piece of legislation that has made the playing field more level, and protected everyday Americans from the abuses of those with more wealth than morals.

Better we remained uneducated, racist, sexist, sick, poor, unable to vote, saturated with toxins in every aspect of our lives, in a theocratic/corporate state run exclusively by and for the wealthy and the white!

Darn those liberals! Yay conservatives! Yay for the 'Patriot' Act and it's decimation of the the Bill of Rights! Yay for ignoring illegally spying on every single American, and then pretending to care about our rights when a Democrat is elected! Yay for union-busting by republicans like Don Blankenship that leads directly to mine disasters like sago/upper big branch! Yay for total deregulation of everything! Yay for the rich preying on the poor! Huzzah conservative philosophies, huzzah! Hip, hip...Hurray!!!

But to each his or her own.... ;)


Spoken like a true leftwing bomb-thrower. Everyone is evil except for 'your' side. Tell me, why didnt Obama shut down Gitmo? Why did he reauthorize the Patriot Act? Why is he demanding the right to go after American citizens? The flaky left in this country are fine with going after Americans-as long as their evil white people. Just as this...intellectual has eluded to.

Whats wrong, run off from your sleeping bag at the OWS protest, aka, the 'gimme gimme!' tour?

So...corporations and white people are bad, and everything else is fine and dandy. Did I miss anything?

And you wonder why the original poster doesnt want to be subjected to your type of insanity while watching a movie. If Hollywood had the guts to attack ALL 'sides' of this mess, instead of Christians only-people might not notice so much.

Also, I love your 'better we remain uneducated...' lie. Have you noticed what the wonderful democrat Unions have done to our schools lately? Of course you have not, they dont like that type of info at moveondotorg or the Soros websites.

Shh...Obama's about to putt.


Spoken like a confused and angry little boy.

As a white, umpteenth-generation Appalachian, I find your presumption that I'm a person of color rather revealing.

You will never hear me defend the continuation of the Patriot Act (just as I will never hear you take responsibility for electing it's authors/sponsors), nor will you hear me defend the so-called "defense" bill that effectively ended what remained of the Bill of Rights last Thursday.

As for "going after Americans"... Yes, you're right... He HAS continued this unforgivable interpretation of plenary powers... Continued them from the administration that first dared to claim them: The bush/cheney administration. Padilla ring a bell? No? Regardless of his merits as a man, he was/is an American citizen, and if we let them take him then they can take any of us at any time, for any reason - or none. It was the bush administration that first pushed the offensive and deeply un-American view that 'we' should declare the entire world to be a "battlefield in the war on terror". THAT is the position from which these egregious powers stem. Conceived of by republicans, written by republicans. Were you concerned about these powers at the time they were first abused, or did your alarm happen to coincide with a Democrat taking office? I oppose them regardless of whether or not there's a 'd' or an 'r' after the President's name... Sadly, the same usually can't be said for those on the political "right". Same for Gitmo. Same for illegal assassination by predator drone. Personally, I think treaties mean something... They are our nation's word of honor. Whether it's a private citizen or our government...If you don't intend to keep your word, you shouldn't give it.

I vote for Democrats because the alternative is profoundly worse, not because I think they do a particularly spectacular job, or because I believe that corporate America isn't pulling their strings. You on the right talk Constitution, but you're the last to defend it sincerely... From bringing us the Patriot Act, to constantly assailing a woman's right to have autonomy over her own body, to anti-drug laws that long ago destroyed the 4th amendment, to secret illegal spying on all of our private communications (something Obama has continued, to his eternal shame), to 'papers please' voting restrictions, to the total deregulation of every industry across the board (Fukashima, anyone? Coming soon to your backyard!), republican legislation of the past 40 years has been consistently, nightmarishly un-American and incalculably damaging to the present/future of this country.

Your misrepresentation (or misunderstanding) of the message of the Occupy movement is typical, and hardly something I will be able to correct here. Suffice to say, it has nothing to do with "gimme gimme" and everything to do with restoring the balance of economic/class power in the United States. That you fail to recognize this, and would likely oppose it even if you understood it's intentions, says everything about who you are as a 'man'.

As is often the case with those on the "right", you invent strawmen, mischaracterize your opposition, and then proceed to attack your creations with fervent gusto. The rightwing rank-and-file, as individuals, rarely know any real details of the issues they claim concern them most, preferring instead to assail boogeymen of their own invention ('There's people driving from welfare office to welfare office in Limos!! And they're all black, and dressed like pimps from a 70's blaxploitation movie!!'). It's easy, and you never have to back up anything you say with facts. If you're too lazy to inform yourself, what's not to like?

And yes, "goatbut", corporations are bad. Or, rather, the carte blanche power we've allowed them to purchase is bad. That power grants them far too much control of the legislative process, protects them from any real responsibility for their actions (both as an entity and as involved individuals), and has allowed them to gut the manufacturing base of this country in service of their own personal financial gain. Regardless of what poorly informed Fox/Rush-brainwashed laissez-faire kamikazes like yourself may think, the financial interests of the wealthiest Americans are directly at odds with the interests of the vast, overwhelming majority of the country. Y'know... The American People? Remember them?

We are, empirically, living in the second gilded age.

The sooner people like you... the people whose opinions are informed almost exclusively their by emotions & personal prejudices... the people who drench themselves in hard-right propaganda / opinion sellers like Fox "News" (the only news outlet known to have gone to court to defend their right to lie to their audience... in FLA... look it up) and Rush Limbaugh... The sooner people like you stop sneering and/or pounding the table in anger and actually inform yourselves, the sooner we'll begin to deliver on the chance afforded us by the work and sacrifice of the Founders (and others, innumerable).

You are a serf, "goatbut"... A serf that spends his days hating his fellow citizens for a wide variety of absurd personal reasons ('Dang hippies!!'), while defending to the death the right of your baronial masters to export your job to China or exploit your labor right here in the States, all while rewriting the laws and Constitution of this country to benefit their bottom line.

You don't know what you're talking about, "goatbut".

You've abdicated your responsibilities as a citizen of a free country... As a citizen of this country.

All the wars, all the sacrifice, all the work... All of them meaningless to you, except in name, because you care only for imagined ideology and nothing for the truth. If the sacrifices and toil of tens of millions of Americans meant one iota to you, you'd take the time to read beyond the headlines, and you'd already know that the politicians you personally support are handing the laws and resources of this great country over to the wealthy class hand over fist. They are the personal representatives of thieving plutocrats, and you turn out in droves to support them based on personal prejudice, lies, half-truths, misrepresentations, and the exploitation of your religious beliefs.

In my opinion, you represent the worst kind of citizen this country produces... Those who wave the flag with the most fervor while supporting what it represents with the least sincerity.

Shame on you.



Typical long-winded, lefty talking points. You did not miss a one, did ya? Copy that straight from HuffPo, Chomsky, or your own personal notes?

Where did I say you were a 'person of color'? And what is that anyway?! Trying so hard to not be offensive has offended me. Is White not a color? You are the poster child for a Nancy Pelosi speaking engagement.

I know youre white and I knew it then. No 'person of color' would spout off the dribble you do. Its obvious you are the intellectually elite-thinking liberal-far from a 'person of color'. No one thinks anything less.

Also...what makes you think im a Bush/Cheney person? You have shown your inability to reason, blinded by your ideology. Bush and his ilk are no better than anything on the 'other' side of the aisle, but its people like you that try to muddle and confuse the issue by thinking there IS an 'other side'.

They are ALL criminals of this country. ALL working for the same forces, to deceive and devour everything of a profit.

Pretending that 'evil corporations' of today are an excuse to bash capitalism when anyone that works for a living can see that 'capitalism' as it was intended has long been dead and gutted, by the very men you seek to protect ONLY because they have a different 'R' or 'D' in front of their name.

Obama is no better than W. Worse in fact when you throw in the 'were democrats so you know we care about the little guy, flowers, gay people, and puppies!' mantra they spew daily.

Put down your inhaler, sign out of MSNBC, and go talk to someone you consider the 'enemy'. You might learn something. Also, dont sale yourself short and play your hand right away, showing yourself to be a closed book leaves little to probe.


I would call it honest and true. Think Bin Laden, protected by the CIA.


Hi, just had to say that was a brilliantly clear and detailed riposte to the usual stale right-wing claptrap. Shame you can't reason with people who are informed entirely by negative emotions - chiefly jealousy, greed and hypocrisy - which keeps them from seeing the big picture and allows them to be herded like cattle into voting for and defending the right's wholly ideoligical (if naked theft can be classed as ideology) assault on the ordinary working person. And often as not against their own interests (unless 'goatbut' is in fact a CEO which I very much doubt)

I live in Britain where we're two years into a Conservative-led 'coalition' (ie. an unmandated tory government propped up by the deeply unpopular and servile Lib Dems) who are engaged in an unprecedented Friedmanite assault on worker's pay and conditions and our hard-won NHS and welfare state, decimating the public sector and condemning many thousands to poverty whilst simultaneously using their lacky press buddies to demonise the poor for, well, being poor.

Clearly the right can only get away with all this because they use their vast misappropriated resources to consistently misinform people on economic realities, painting anything even vaguely reminiscent of socialism (ie. anything that smacks of 'fairness', like the super-rich paying a fair share of their income in tax in a way that the working poor have no choice but to do) as some proto-fascist/liberal conspiracy (the right-wing mind thrives on such paradoxes).

What saddens me is that after the financial collapse the right have managed to pull off such a consumate confidence trick, convincing people to swallow austerity measures whilst using tax money in what most would term a socialist way, propping up failing banks with taxpayers money at the same time as shredding the safety net and public institutions that our taxes are intended for. Socialism for the rich, neo-liberalism for the poor.

There needs to ba a serious, concerted global movement to get people to see the consequences of neo-liberalism, to realise how much of a ride they are being taken for and to stand up for a fairer, cleaner and dare I say happier planet. The Occupy movement has given me some hope, lets hope they find a way to engage the public at large.

Take care,


I find this comment hard to believe ..?
"...nerve to shove it down my throat"
"..It's okay for them to offend me (they really don't care), but they cannot be offended. Where's the justice in that? .."

This is the typical conservative pea-brained *beep* that we need to endure? Perhaps you should know that YOU are CHOOSING to be part of this conversation, choosing to be part of a movie that you potentially will not even see. You are six degrees separated from reality. No one shoved anything down your throat( maybe, you didn't realize its already full..with your foot!), no one tried to offend, no one said they cannot be offended.

It's easy to tell that you are from the redneck-south, cos of your utter ignorance and pussy-footing around a movie you obviously did not pay to see.

Go to church, lady and pray to your God, and stfu already. Numb-brains with canned rhetoric need to hiding under a rock.


Damn you all.

Today is a Good Day for You to Die!
