so who is ella?

who is ella? Is she a ghost or what, or maybe that mary shaw's ghost take over ella body to help her make the perfect doll. Someone please explain me!


I thought she was a doll that Mary Shaw could live in. The book he was going through showed how to make the perfect doll and had Ella's face when he opened that flap.

I think I need to rewatch this lol


May contain Spoiler-----
This is explained a lot better in the Alternate ending version..
Please do not read any further contains spoiler about ending..
Alternate ending shows Ella was pregnant and she lost the baby somehow she gets drawn to Mary Shaws gravesite where Mary Shaw takes her body over and well the rest is the same but it explains it really good u can watch it on YouTube


I'm pretty sure the alternate ending/scene showed that Ella really was the father's new wife, but since he IS a jerk he'd pushed her down stairs and caused her to have a miscarriage. Mary Shaw's ghost offered to let her get revenge and possessed her body; hence making her the 'perfect doll'.


That's interesting. I thought Ella was "The Perfect Doll" that Mary created. After all, her picture is on the back of the tab in Mary's diary that says "The Perfect Doll." Perhaps she added the sketch after Ella allowed herself to be possessed which kinda made her the perfect doll? At any rate, I'd say that the deleted scenes on the DVD were probably deleted for a reason: the director preferred a different story.


That is a really good question. The theatrical version doesn't give you any idea who she is or how she became possessed by Mary Shaw. Very very annoying.



I agree; I wish they'd just used the cut with the alternative ending, since that seemed far more sensible.


all right, thanks! I got it now. Go James Wan!


Yeah. I think this is a great movie, but this has to be its weak point. It's never explained nor is it understood in any way who she is. Is she the ghost of Mary Shaw? But she has a physical presence (she did turn his dad into a puppet), and the cop could see her too.

PS I know I'm responding to an OLD post, but it's exactly what I wanted to ask. Thoughts?
