Have any Michigander's seen this?

The way Kirsten Dunst pronounces Port Huron as "Port Hur-uhn?" It was almost as bad as nails on a chalkboard.


I SOOOO know I thought what the heck

Ricky Cain


People from the thumb area pronounce it as "port yern" equally as annoying as dunst did lol


I'm from the Detroit area suburbs and have only heard it pronounced as Port Hear-on


I'm a Michigander, and I've heard it pronounce Hur-on,period, but the reality is, everybody is not going to pronounce everything the same way, depending on what part of the country they're from and what language they speak,too----all that has a bearing on it. So an actress pronounced it differently---with, duh, she's not from Michigan, so of course she's going to say it differently. Saying something differently dosen't meam someone's stupid----it just means they have a different way of saying it--period.
