MovieChat Forums > The God Who Wasn't There (2005) Discussion > CLEAR evidence the entire Jesus story wa...

CLEAR evidence the entire Jesus story was mostly copied from Horus!

More proof that clyons is nothing but a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR! You claim there is no evidence Jesus was simply copied from previous gods when even a priest and theologian have stated there are CLEAR and UNDENIABLE similarities between Jesus and Horus! This doesn't even include the similarities between Jesus and Krishna, Hercules, Osiris, Mithras, etc.

There are an amazing number of identical or very similar life events, characteristics, and teachings shared by Horus and Yeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ). Horus was considered a god in ancient Egypt. Jesus is/was considered:

A Jewish prophet by Jewish Christians in the first century CE, 

As a man-god by later Christians, and

As history's second greatest prophet by Muslims.

If these points of similarity were between Horus and any other historical Jewish individual -- for example Pilate, the Procurator of Judea -- then there would be universal agreement that someone in ancient times had simply copied elements of Horus' story and falsely attributed them to Pilate. That is, both life stories would be myths -- events that never happened but which have great spiritual significance.

But Pilate was not involved. The first century CE individual was Yeshua of Nazareth! His story is found documented in in the Christian Scriptures -- the New Testament of the Bible.

How these points of coincidence are interpreted depends upon one's view of the Bible:

If it is viewed as an inerrant book, free of error, whose authors were inspired by God, then one would suspect that a massive fraud must have taken place. The events really formed part of Jesus' life because the Bible is free of error. Somehow the events were also attributed to Horus in Egypt for many centuries before Jesus' birth through fraudulent means.
 If the Bible is viewed as a historical document, like other cultures' holy books, then it is obvious that events in Jesus' life were copied from stories that had been associated with Horus for many centuries before Jesus' birth. The events are fictional. Probably none actually happened in reality.

After removing these myths from the Gospel, there would be not much left of the stories other than an an account of:An exceptional Jewish itinerate preacher and native healer who had an uneventful birth,

Who, at the age of about 35 gathered a small group of followers and toured the Galilee,

Spread a type of reform Judaism that matched the teachings of Hillel from the first centuryBCE, 

Was convicted of aggravated assault in the Jerusalem temple, and 

Was routinely executed for treason by the occupying Roman army, along with thousands of others in the first century CE.

In short, Jesus' story would be very similar to that promoted by the Jesus Seminar today.

Life events allegedly shared by Horus and Yeshua (a.k.a. Jesus)

There is a near consensus that Yeshua was born circa 4 to 7 BCE. By that time, stories from the life of Horus had been circulating for a few centuries. If any copying occurred by the writers of the Egyptian or Christian religions, it was the myths and legends of Horus that were incorporated into Jesus' biography, not vice-versa.

Tom Harpur, an author, journalist, Anglican priest, and theologian, studied the works of three authors specialized in ancient Egyptian religion: Godfrey Higgins (1771-1834), Gerald Massey (1828-1907) and Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963). Harpur incorporated some of their findings into his book "Pagan Christ." 1He argued that all of the essential ideas of both Judaism and Christianity came primarily from Egyptian religion.

Harpur writes, in his book:

"[Author Gerald] Massey discovered nearly two hundred instances of immediate correspondence between the mythical Egyptian material and the allegedly historical Christian writings about Jesus. Horus indeed was the archetypal Pagan Christ." 2

One problem with comparing events in the life of Horus and Yeshua relates to time. Horus was a leading figure in Egyptian mythology for millennia. Folklore about him naturally proliferated during this interval. So, for example, there is more than one story about the method by which he died. Thus, if the writers of the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) did copy events from Horus' life, they would have had multiple options from which to choose. Further, one cannot directly compare crucifixion in 1st century CE Judah, with a simlar procedure in ancient Egypt. Roman crucifixion followed a specific procedure by which the victim was made to carry the crosspiece through the city, clothing was stripped from him, his limbs were tied -- or in rare instances, nailed -- to the cross, etc. Nothing precisely like this existed in ancient Egypt. So, one cannot strictly call Horus' execution a crucifixion, even if he was tied to a tree and died of exposure.

What it the significance of the many parallels between Horus and Jesus?

To many religious liberals and skeptics, it appears obvious that the early beliefs that grew up around Jesus' life were copied from the myths surrounding Horus' life which had been circulating for centuries before Jesus' birth.

To many religious conservatives, it would appear that -- centuries before Jesus' birth -- Satan created myths about Horus' life in anticipation of Jesus, in order to cause confusion, doubt, and disbelief.

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Changing your story again? You do that a lot.

Anyway, this has been debunked over and over. The Horus story isn't about a god in human form dying and then rising from the grave still in human form. In fact, when you look at the actual myth, you see almost no resemblance between the two stories. horus-connection/

All mythologies--including those created by people who never had any interaction with each other--have some points in common. Jung would explain this by saying there are basic mythic archetypes that form all the stories we tell. But the fact is, many myths--including some quite modern ones--are clearly based on real events. We've mythologized Abraham Lincoln, and there's no doubt he existed. There have quite clearly been situations where somebody seemed to die, and then got up and walked around--that's not mythology, that's fact. There have also been times when somebody died, and then people who loved that person had dreams and visions and outright hallucinations where he was alive. That doesn't require stealing the story from somebody else. That's just part of human existence.

So owned again, man. And how's the racism going? Convinced anybody else that black people are inferior?


Clyons, you keep brining up other threads because I have OWNED you and you have no merit here AT ALL. Just look at the table below with references at the similarities between Jesus and Horus: Both were the ONLY begotten son, both of royal descent, both born in a cave, both had birth announcements by an angel, both births were heralded by a star, both have birth dates on the winter solstice, Shephard witnessed BOTH births, Herut tried to kill Horus while Herod tried to kill Jesus, both had rituals at age 12, both have data missing from age 12 to 30, both were baptized at age 30 and BOTH their baptizers were beheaded!

The book "Pagan Christ" has all the references and has 4/5 stars on Amazon! It is very credible and genuine! YOU are nothing but a butthurt Christian who is trying to prop up a FRAUDELNT and DYING religion and it isn't working! 

Event. Horus. Yeshua of Nazareth, a.k.a. Jesus

Conception:By a virgin. There is some doubt about this matter. By a virgin. 3

Father:Only begotten son of the God Osiris.Only begotten son of Yehovah (in the form of the Holy Spirit)

.Mother:Isis-Meri. 4Miriam (now often referred to as Mary).

Foster father:Seb, (a.k.a. Jo-Seph). 4Joseph.

Foster father's ancestry:Of royal descent.Of royal descent.

Birth location:In a cave.In a cave or stable.

Annunciation:By an angel to Isis, his mother.By an angel to Miriam, his mother. 3

Birth heralded by:The star Sirius, the morning star.An unidentified "star in the East."

Birth date:Ancient Egyptians paraded a manger and child representing Horus through the streets at the time of the winter solstice (about DEC-21). In reality, he had no birth date; he was not a human.Born during the fall. However, his birth date is now celebrated on DEC-25. The date was chosen to occur on the same date as the birth of Mithra, Dionysus and the Sol Invictus (unconquerable Sun), etc.

Birth announcement:By angels.By angels. 3

Birth witnesses:Shepherds.Shepherds. 3

Later witnesses to birth:Three solar deities.An unknown number of wise men. 3 They are said to have brought three gifts; thus the legend grew that there were three men.

Death threat during infancy:Herut tried to have Horus murdered. He was not successful.Herod tried to have Jesus murdered. He was not successful.

Handling the threat:The God That tells Horus' mother "Come, thou goddess Isis, hide thyself with thy child."An angel tells Jesus' father to: "Arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt."

Rite of passage ritual:Horus came of age with a special ritual, when his eye was restored.Taken by parents to the temple for what is today called a bar mitzvah ritual.

Age at the ritual: BOTH were 12

Break in life history:No data between ages of 12 & 30.No data between ages of 12 & 30.

Baptism location:In the river Eridanus.In the river Jordan.

Age at baptism:30.30.Baptized by:Anup the Baptiser.John the Baptist, a.k.a. John the Baptist.

Subsequent fate of the baptiser:Beheaded. Beheaded.

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Again. You are believing in a version of the myth of Horus that bears little resemblance to the actual myth. And you are failing to process that the JEWS who wrote the gospels wouldn't NEED to copy from pagan myth to write a story about resurrection, because there are resurrection stories in the OLD TESTAMENT. Virgin births are common throughout world mythology, and there's no reason to think the idea for that came from Horus, particularly since Horus was born as a GOD, not as a mortal man.

And of course the people who first wrote down the myth of Horus were not claiming to have spoken to people who knew Horus, and there are no letters written a decade or two after Horus' death, the author of which claims to have met Horus' very human brother.

In any event, if the gospels are copied from the Horus myth, why is the earliest gospel we have, that of Mark, completely free of any reference whatsoever to the virgin birth? Or, for that matter, the resurrection? Hmm? Why doesn't Paul mention the virgin birth story? Obviously because he either had never heard it, or he didn't believe it. It's pretty clear that's a story that didn't exist until well after Jesus died, and only gradually was accepted--probably after nearly everybody who had known the real Jesus and his family was dead.

And again, I ask--how's the racist project going? Found any more 'scientific' proof of the inferiority of black people?


At least I'm not RETARDED like you! I have even shown those similarities between Jesus and Horus to CLERGY and even they have no answer!

You CANNOT refute those similarities in bold! That is the actual myth of Horus with references provided in "Pagan Christ" with 4/5 stars! You have LOST and simply can't admit a story of one god has no more evidence than a story of another god! Look up the word EVIDENTIARY because you don't even know what it means! Even clergy themselves have admitted to me they CANNOT meet a higher burden of proof that the bible has any more truth than any other scripture! The bible is NOT evidentiary nor is it history. It is simply theology with no more corroboration than any other scripture!

How does it feel knowing your DYING religion closes THOUSANDS of churches every year in America alone? 

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


At least I'm not RETARDED like you!

Oh no, mega--you're retarded in your own very special way.
