So bill murays career is over

As the title says he is done. After something like this how can we ever expect another groundhog day or caddy shack

Mankind was my business - Jacob Marley


He can't be expected to make only Rushmores and Lost in Translations. Sometimes Bill Murray can't resist a nice, fat paycheck. I wish it weren't so, but for now I will simply turn my head and pretend not to notice.


I remember seeing him in an interview stating that he has done all the movies he "has" to do (to make money) and now he is comfortable and will just make movies he "wants" to do. Maybe he just enjoyed making a fun film?


Don't bash muray for doing the garfield movies. VO is easy and everyone seems to be doing them from bruce willus to kevin smith. They get good money out of it and it really isn't that hard so why not?

He's not adam sandler make continually making crappy movies with the same exact straight man except with some stupid twist except for maybe happy gilmore and billy madison and little nicky which had their moments.


It's a kids movie. Give the guy a break.


Yeah...and sometimes actors just have to do different things to get popular with different ages.

I quote movies way too much...


My god people, have you ever thought that maybe he did this movie because it was cute, funny, and children (including my own)love it? He has six kids for god's sake, haven't any of you people done something silly to make your children laugh?


While the first Garfield film was mediocre at best, I just always saw Murray as the voice of Garfield. Far before the first film was ever made I always thought that if a Garfield movie was to be made, he would be the one to be his VA.


That's probably because Lorenzo Music was Garfield in the cartoons, and also Peter Venkman in The Real Ghostbusters... stands to reason ther'd be a subconscious connection


Nice connection..Would have never put that together!


i just heard a commmercial and it didnt sound like murrys voice, i dont think its him.


Hey at least he isn't starring in Boat Trip or Snow Dogs, or Chill Factor.

I give him a pass for the Garfield flicks solely based on the fact that he was in Wild Things.


Bill Murray's career was over the first time he co-starred in a Wes Anderson picture...after that came a string of other unfunny "smart" pictures.

