Is there going to be a Garfield 3?

Ok, so, I´m a Garfield fan but I have to admit that the movies weren´t as good as they could be, they have been done for kids, anyway, the second one was better than the first one but I´m afraid because it didn´t get much money (130 millions worldwide and domestic) and I think that Garfield deserves a third movie, with a good storyline and with that Bill Murray doing the wonderful Garfield voice.
If anyone knows if there is going to be a third movie, please post here, buy the Dvd´s help they to make the movie
Down Dumb dog!


Yes there is they stared about 6weeks ago because i read it in a magazien of my bro's. But i dont really like the movies.


On wikipedia on the Garfield 2 page it says the film coming after is Garfield 3 (2009)



My bro's K-Zone


I enjoyed the original, but haven't seen this one yet. I'll try and pick up the DVD sometime, because I am also a Garfield fan. I even used to have an orange cat named Garfield.

I couldn't promise I'd see a third in theatres, this one disappeared quickly, and I didn't get into the city to see it. I'd buy the DVD though.



garfield 2 is the bomb! great movie! garfield 3? maybe possible


"the" bomb or "a" bomb? I think the latter may be more accurate...


maybe "da" bomb? hehe. btw why rating is low? this film is great!


I think because people expect a lot more from a Garfield Movie and because its a kids movie
