those dumb cows...

they were helping make beef lasagne....beeef as in cows

This is my signiture!


I don't believe any beef went into that lasagna. Or any meat products, actually.

The only ingredients shown were ricotta cheese (quoted in the recipee by Winston), flour (added by the goat), eggs (added by the hens), tomatoes (mushed manually in a wooden bucket by Cheba the goat), carrots (blended by the hare), (eggs and flour were made into dough, later rolled into pasta noodles), grated cheese (courtesy of the rat), tomato sauce (poured into the pan from above by Garfield), and parsley (carried forth in a cloth bag by Winston).

So, no.

reply observent u are

This is my signiture!


I think theres no any meat in that lasagna. Maybe it was a vegetable lasagna?
